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Four Keys to a Successful Post-Merger Integration Strategy for Shared Services

May 16, 2016

Ensure Your SSO Is Ready for the Next Integration

How do you strategize for post-merger integration before it happens? How do you ensure that you are able to accelerate the integration planning process?

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Coal’s Accelerated Burn: A Management Guide to Coal Plant Decommissioning

April 20, 2016

Decommissioning coal power plants

More than 25,000 MWs of coal capacity are planned to retire within the next five years in the United States.[1] Generation companies that operate coal-fired power plants must carefully make and execute the decommissioning decision to ensure more than just financial prudence. The human element of retiring an older coal plant requires careful consideration and execution to ensure that:

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Utility of the Future Implications on Cybersecurity: A Spotlight on New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision

April 6, 2016

The utility grid of the future is starting to emerge from a confluence of technology, economic, and regulatory developments that are leading to increased interconnectivity and data exchange amongst stakeholders. While these new technologies have the ability to revitalize aging energy infrastructure, executives and regulators are becoming increasingly concerned with the resulting cybersecurity implications. Many of the new cybersecurity risks facing smart grids are related to the interconnection of once-static assets via smart devices and an increasing number of two-way data flows between utilities, vendors, and customers. In today’s world where sophisticated hackers are rapidly and continually enhancing their tools and techniques, large energy corporations responsible for securing billions of dollars in assets are having a hard time keeping up.

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International Payroll Administration – Stakeholder Management for Implementing a Global Payroll Solution

February 11, 2016

Nuclear Supply Chain

January 26, 2016

Successful Contract Strategies for Today’s Nuclear Fleet

Today’s nuclear plants operate in a tough, competitive energy landscape where financial margins have become razor thin. Now more than ever, leaders must leverage cost management to meet the rising expectations for flawless and cost-effective performance as demanded by both regulators and customers. Nuclear leaders understand that controlling operation and maintenance (O&M) expenditures are critical to effective cost management. But, where do you begin? In this article, ScottMadden recommends analyzing how your team selects and manages your contractor workforce.

Markers of Nuclear Plant Performance Decline

January 6, 2016

Based on our experience and expertise as leading nuclear management consultants, we believe there are five markers of potential nuclear performance decline that should be on each plant’s radar. This report dives deep into each marker:

  1. Stations have difficulty understanding current performance and how it compares to others
  2. All levels of station leadership do not effectively and consistently drive performance
  3. Station staffing and succession planning have been neglected
  4. There are problems with plant equipment and getting work done
  5. Foundational nuclear programs are not well executed

To access the full series, please click here.

Building Toward Predictive Analytics

June 12, 2015

Harnessing Big Data Insight for Strategic Action

The emergence of Big Data and advanced analytics offers lessons and creates opportunity for HR. As an HR leader, you can take advantage of this opportunity by identifying the key needs of your stakeholders, hiring the right resources, establishing system infrastructure, and gaining credibility early. This report focuses on harnessing Big Data insight for strategic action.

For additional articles in the series, please see:

An Iterative Approach – Predictive Analytics in HR

Predictive Analytics: Building the Infrastructure

How Can Advanced Contact Center Technologies Enhance Your SSC?

June 5, 2015

Technology evolution continues to bring with it wide-ranging opportunities for shared services centers (SSCs) to raise their game. These opportunities require service center decision makers to be selective about which technologies best support their core mission. Compared to externally facing contact centers, SSCs are often lagging in their use of sophisticated tools and enabling technologies. To unlock their full potential, SSCs can leverage advanced contact center technologies to improve customer service and operations.

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P2P Strategy: It’s Not Just About the Transaction

June 1, 2015

Many global organizations have experienced significant challenges when combining their procurement and accounts payable functions to form truly integrated procure-to-pay (P2P) process models. Disconnects between supply chain and finance, the two larger areas responsible for procurement and accounts payable respectively, are not a new phenomenon. Inherently, business drivers of the two functions are different: supply chain aims to create processes that reduce cost and deliver goods
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Unlocking Enterprise Value in Your Supply Chain

June 1, 2015

How to Break Out of the “Vicious Cycle”

Numerous supply chain organizations lack a clearly defined strategy that is aligned with the expectations of the internal business unit customers they serve. As a result, the supply chain organization often serves in an “order taker” role, which significantly impedes its ability to achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace and provide significant savings for the larger enterprise.

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International Payroll Administration – Transition Planning for a Global Payroll Solution

May 12, 2015

When implementing a global payroll delivery model, it is critical that there is sufficient time spent determining the right delivery model for the organization (fully outsourced, partially outsourced, business process as a service, or in-house), designing the future state delivery model, creating the business case to support the change, and developing a comprehensive implementation plan (including a change management plan).

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Unlocking the Value of Voice of the Customer Surveys for Shared Services Organizations

May 5, 2015

Understanding the voice of your shared services customers is vital to your organization moving up the value chain. More importantly, results from a recent HR shared services organization (SSO) survey conducted by APQC and ScottMadden, show that understanding links between voice of the customer and performance is seen as one of the most important keys to being a top-performing SSO.

In this article, you will gain insights on trends and lessons learned from more than 20 years of ScottMadden conducting voice of the customer surveys for our shared services clients to help you unlock the value of conducting a well-thought-out customer survey.

Additional Contributing Author: Min Qin

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