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Grid Modernization Cost-Benefit Framework and Tests

January 11, 2022

Grid modernization efforts will play a critical role in today’s changing energy landscape. Demonstrating the value of grid modernization investments is necessary to gain regulatory approval of the program. As has been witnessed recently in some jurisdictions, a grid modernization program will only proceed if it can demonstrate positive outcomes to utility customers and regulators. The cost-benefit frameworks and key takeaways described above can guide the development of grid modernization proposals by ensuring benefits are taken into account and will improve the probability of regulatory approval of your grid modernization program.

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Power Decarbonization: Past and Future

October 19, 2021

Decarbonization has become an increasingly important issue in the United States as more states, cities, and utilities commit to net-zero carbon-emissions goals. This report analyzes historical carbon reductions in the electric sector to see how this space has reduced carbon emissions to date. It also examines recent integrated resource plans (IRPs) from electric utilities that have committed to 100% net-zero carbon targets to gauge how decarbonization efforts may shift in the future.

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Gone with the Steam

October 15, 2021

In an era of “net-zero” carbon commitments, the electricity industry is working to identify zero-carbon replacements for coal. However, the retirement of coal-fired generation plants can have significant economic implications for surrounding communities.

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Transmission in the United States: What Makes Developing Electric Transmission So Hard?

July 26, 2021

Electric transmission is a critical part of the energy industry, posing many challenges to meeting the clean energy goals of states, cities, utilities, and private corporations. The new high-voltage transmission will be critical to integrating large-scale renewable resources, balancing the grid over greater distances, and accommodating the additional load anticipated due to electrification. Some estimates suggest that transmission capacity may need to double or triple to facilitate the clean energy
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How Can Supply Chains Prepare for the “Next Normal”?

August 19, 2020

COVID-19 Drives Changes across Industries that Require Updates to Supply Chain Strategies


Who could have guessed on January 1, 2020, what the remainder of the year would hold? Personal protective equipment (PPE) is now critical for most operations, and risk management and transparency within the supply chain is more important than ever. We are learning how to be productive while working from home (WFH) and creating new safety and social distancing practices for people who must come to work.

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Four Keys to a Successful Grid Modernization Program

September 17, 2019

Transformative shifts in customer expectations, advances in technology, and changes to the generation mix are driving utilities to reassess how they plan and operate their smart grid and whether they have the appropriate set of tools and technologies to do so. Complicating matters, state lawmakers, governors, and regulators are layering policy objectives on top of these trends, often with mandates for the procurement or integration of clean or distributed energy resources (DER). Spurred by this combination of drivers, often labeled “grid modernization,” utilities are wrestling with key questions, such as:

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Remodeling the Model: Top Five Ways to Repair, Renovate, or Rebuild Your HR Services

August 19, 2019

Many businesses have transformed their HR services through strong leadership, technical innovation, and support from outside partners. ScottMadden has partnered with countless organizations, providing solutions and tools to help rebuild their service models and inspire growth across the entire business.

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From Firefighter to Leader: Implementing a New and More Effective HR Service Model

August 19, 2019

One of the best ways for HR organizations to create business impact is through a strong, efficient HR delivery model. Tremendous innovation in HR services has created opportunity to transform employee experiences and add greater value to the business. Yet, too many HR leaders are working within an outdated framework that seems to be collapsing under its own weight.

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Shaping a Path Toward High-Renewable Penetration: A Comparison of Utility-Scale and Distributed Renewables

August 12, 2019


Over the last decade, the proliferation of renewable generation has changed how owners and operators manage the economic and operational aspects of the grid from planning through the delivery of energy. While there are some common benefits and challenges to integrating renewables, not all renewables are created equal. Going forward, utility strategies will need to consider the important differences between utility-scale and distributed renewables and how best to integrate and effectively manage these resources to maximize benefit to customers and the grid. Should states with low-renewable penetration today try to shape their path? And if so, what tools or strategies can they use to arrive at the best outcomes?

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Materiality Assessments for Electric Utilities

July 26, 2019

With 78% of the S&P 500 now publishing sustainability reports, non-financial reporting is becoming essential for companies looking to manage risk and capture opportunities in a changing business environment.[1] The widespread adoption of reporting on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues is driven by investors aiming to predict long-term financial performance, which is increasingly influenced by ESG
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Payment Options for Today’s Talent Profiles: The Workforce of the Future Is Here—Is Your Pay Model Ready?

June 18, 2019

Organizations are working on more flexible payment options, including same-day pay, as an incentive to attract and retain top talent within a tight and “gig” economy-focused labor market.

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Changing Finance Skillsets in a Digital World: How the Wave of Technology Is Changing the Skillsets Financial Employees Need

June 14, 2019

A Day in the Life of Susan

Susan, a well-respected director at a large multinational luxury retail corporation, walks in on Day 1 of the monthly close process. Susan begins to review a new set of reports that were just run prior to her arrival. The data visualization report shows the validated month-end activity sitting in the distributed ledger, as well as a forecast of the month-end revenue and expenses.
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