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Work Activity Assessment

When you begin to think about changing your delivery model, one of your first questions is likely, “where do I start?” Whether you are considering a shared services model, have implemented a shared services model you wish to improve, or are interested in making other changes to your delivery model and staffing levels, understanding who does what work is critical in determining the right solution.

Why Conduct a Work Activity Assessment?

ScottMadden recommends starting with a work activity assessment to gather data to support these changes. The work activity assessment is a process for collecting employees’ time spent across detailed processes and activities, determining the labor cost of the activities, and assessing your delivery model, staffing levels, and costs using benchmarks and leading practices. A work activity assessment is a critical first step in any current state assessment.

It serves three primary purposes:

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• Documents the work being performed
• Identifies who is performing which activities
• Establishes a baseline from which to compare future changes

You can gain valuable insight from the work activity assessment such as identifying overlapping work across positions, work that is not being performed but should be, potential compliance issues, and shadow organizations that exist. You may also identify administrative work that is not centralized, opportunities to improve workflow or automate processes, or work that is misaligned with the position. Our clients are frequently surprised by what they find.

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Work Activity Assessment Services

Our Work Activity Assessment is designed to match your scope of services and processes and allows your employees to report how they spend their time through a simple, web-based tool. Validation is used to address data anomalies and incomplete responses. All work activities are classified by the type of work and labor cost data is incorporated. The process provides the opportunity to benchmark at an FTE level, not a headcount level, which increases accuracy.

The work activity assessment provides a blueprint for improving service delivery. The data and resulting insights highlight opportunities, provide evidence to support the changes, and create the foundation for transition plans. ScottMadden’s clients have saved tens of millions of dollars by using this knowledge to make organizational or process changes.

  • Our process for conducting a work activity assessment includes six major steps:
  • 1. Preparation
  • 2. Deployment
  • 3. Administration
  • 4. Validation
  • 5. Analysis
  • 6. Reporting

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