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Transmission & Distribution

The electric power industry is experiencing a sea of change. From the growing addition of intermittent, often distributed, renewable energy sources to new and more efficient ways that residential, commercial, and industrial users consume electricity, the underpinning grid infrastructure is transforming at an unprecedented pace. Never before have strategic investment, operations, risk mitigation, and compliance been so significant or challenging.

Transmission continues to be a key strategic asset for utilities and individual transmission owners. In addition to the need for excellence in the ongoing operation and maintenance of transmission assets, many transmission owners must now compete to build future projects.

Distribution provides the vital link between the ultimate end-use customer and the utility. Grid modernization is taking many forms across the industry and enabling myriad new capabilities; however, distribution-owning utilities continue to grapple with the same challenges of the past—how to reliably and safely serve customers at a reasonable cost.

Gas transmission and distribution are likewise challenged to adjust to an evolving regulatory and environmental landscape. While demand for new pipelines continues to grow due to increasing exports of natural gas and the shift to gas-fired generation for electricity, opposition to transmission infrastructure continues to mount. In addition, natural gas transmission and distribution issues are regional in nature and require customized solutions. We understand the issues facing you in developing new infrastructure and managing a retail gas business and can help you with both based on our many years of experience.

We are Experienced Transmission & Distribution Consultants

ScottMadden Energy Consulting will guide you in this changing environment with a continued focus on managing cost and ensuring reliability. Through our gas and electric transmission and distribution services, our consultants can help you navigate a wide range of offerings, from strategic and business planning to benchmarking to operational excellence to program design and implementation, among many others.

For the latest noteworthy developments in Transmission and distribution, see our Transmission & Distribution Minutes by clicking the button below.

Transmission & Distribution Minutes



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