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Rates & Regulation

We understand the challenges of evolving energy regulation. We’ll develop your regulatory management system and strategy, as well as manage your rate case process.

Today’s energy markets present multiple challenges, including evolving resources, aging infrastructure, limited demand growth, and increasing investment needs. Compounding those challenges is a regulatory environment providing limited security—and frequently, limited incentives—for energy utility investment. Nevertheless, it is an environment in which stakeholders have taken an increasingly active interest. Energy rate structures and regulatory frameworks are becoming more critical and more complex than ever.

The Challenges of Energy Regulation and Regulatory Frameworks

At ScottMadden, we understand the strategic and operational challenges you face with evolving energy regulation. We can help you develop your regulatory strategy, prepare filings, and manage your rate case process.

Our consultants provide expert testimony on a wide range of energy utility regulation and strategy issues and can help you with:

  • regulatory policy and best practices;
  • regulatory process improvement;
  • preparation for compliance audits, and more.

Our utility regulation experts serve various clients, including investor-owned electric, gas, and water utilities and municipal and cooperative utilities.

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