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Performance Management Consulting

Performance management lets you involve your employees, as individuals and as part of a group, in improving organizational effectiveness—as you all work to accomplish your organization’s vision and strategy.

Performance management consulting with ScottMadden will help you make decisions to run your business, provide leadership, review results and diagnose problems, and set goals and expectations. Our team helps you ensure alignment, create tiered metrics, define root causes of financial performance, tie customer measures to need, employ performance monitoring and management, and understand limits.

High Performance Management Processes

We begin by developing a thorough understanding of enterprise direction—its vision and strategy, scorecard dimensions, and key performance indicators. Next, we develop organizational and departmental critical success factors and key performance indicators. From there, we design and implement data capture and reporting mechanisms and help you begin balanced scorecard reporting. We also identify target performance levels for each indicator that provide direct and real-time feedback and conduct root-cause analysis on areas that are performing below expectation.

A well-established performance management program provides the foundation necessary for you to achieve your vision and strategy. Let us help you build this foundation.

Performance Management Consulting Services

How are you managing your company’s performance? Do you know how to achieve synergy between departments, daily operations and your change initiatives? We provide you with the strategies and tools you need for your company to not just survive, but thrive. Our performance management consulting services include:


Benchmarking is frequently used to aid strategic and business planning, as part of an ongoing performance management program, to support significant initiatives like merger synergy analysis and integration planning, lay the groundwork for significant improvements, and more.

Performance Assessments

We utilize a number of components—site visits and interviews, work activity assessments, performance metric assessments, customer satisfaction surveys, and leading practice adoption analyses. Various components of the assessment can be customized to best suit your needs and the availability of data.

Enterprise Cost Reduction

Reducing costs can be a challenge for any organization, but enterprise cost reduction initiatives are necessary to have a sustainable business. ScottMadden takes a customized approach to locating areas of opportunity. Get the strategic recommendations needed to create sustainable improvements.


Corporate & Shared Services

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