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Operational Excellence/Best Practices

Achieving operational excellence is a journey every organization must undertake. Achieving excellence is a never-ending quest. There are always new technologies and operational improvements to increase efficiency, which must become part of corporate best practices. Even when a corporation has achieved a high-efficiency level, there is always room for improvement. The key to excellence is benchmarking and continuous self-improvement. An organization cannot make operational improvements overnight. Organizations can only achieve them through a constant process of small incremental changes. Excellence is not a destination but a journey. It is an ongoing process of striving for perfection.

Operational Excellence Through Best Practices

In operational excellence, the goal is the sustainable and sustained improvement of key performance metrics through various best practices: principles, systems, and tools. ScottMadden expert consultants help corporate industry leaders in nuclear, fossil, transmission, and distribution achieve excellence by designing tiered metrics, benchmarking results, putting leading practice business planning in place, standardizing operations on best practices, and improving processes and methods.

We have been in the energy industry for years. In fact, we are pioneers in the initial development of management models, playbooks, and metrics that are now recognized as industry standards. Our team of expert consultants have strong benchmarking capabilities that examine root causes of inefficiency and let leaders focus their improvement efforts on areas that provide the most leverage.



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