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Change Management Consulting

Why is change management consulting needed? First, most leaders recognize the need to incorporate change management into their transformational projects. The benefits of an effective change management program are many, including achievement of timeframes and budgets, improved satisfaction, and increased adoption rates and referrals.

Yet, successful organizational change proves difficult for many companies. Research shows that as much as 75% of large-scale change management programs fail to meet outlined goals. This is where change management consulting–and ScottMadden’s multi-decade experience–come into play.
Organizational change management is a practical and disciplined approach to increase the organization’s willingness, confidence, and ability to make a required change. It helps with leadership and departmental buy-in, delivering a clear plan that can be seen and understood.

At ScottMadden, we believe successful change management solutions are based on a well-planned and integrated set of initiatives and actions. Experience has taught us to integrate change management with our implementation planning rather than treat it as a standalone effort. And our comprehensive approach to managing change includes design, planning, execution, and evaluation.

In short, we will help you manage change to resonate with your organization and leadership style and ensure your team is successful at meeting its goals.


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