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Gerardo Morales


Gerardo Morales joined ScottMadden in 2013 after receiving an M.B.A. from the Georgia Institute of Technology Scheller College of Business with concentrations in entrepreneurship and finance. Prior to joining ScottMadden, Gerardo worked as a project manager with Georgia Power Company where he was responsible for supporting the implementation of the medium-scale solar energy program (100 kW–1 MW) of the Georgia Power Advanced Solar Initiative. He started his professional career as a power plant engineer at Georgia Power’s Plant Scherer and served in different roles within fossil power generation, such as maintenance team leader at Plant McDonough and operations team leader at Plant Bowen. His areas of expertise include business planning, project management, reorganizations, benchmarking, strategy development, renewable energy, and power plant engineering, operations, and maintenance. In addition to an M.B.A., Gerardo holds a B.S. in electrical engineering from University of Puerto Rico with a concentration in power systems. Gerardo is fluent in Spanish.

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Recent Assignments

  • Supported a transmission and distribution (T&D) system operator with the development of an automated dashboard to monitor and track cost and requests for reimbursements associated with all federally funded projects. Developed Excel-based model for dashboard reports, established data collection approach, and supported dashboard implementation
  • Assisted a T&D system operator in standing up its capital programs and projects organization. Developed governance, policies, and procedures around project portfolio management. Deployed an enterprise program and project management system (e.g., MS Project Online) to manage and oversee all projects. Automated reporting and cost-controlling tools with customized features to meet client’s practices and preferences. Developed a project cost-forecasting approach and portfolio summary roll-ups for executive and leadership reviews. Developed portfolio report templates and supported content development efforts for stakeholder presentations
  • Assisted a government agency responsible for public-private partnerships in standing up its management and control division for oversight and monitoring of contractual agreements. Supported development of division’s charter, vision statement, organization structure chart, and staffing plans. Developed interview guides, metric reporting model, and contract enforcement procedures to support the oversight of a public-private agreement for the operations and maintenance of an island T&D system
  • Assisted a major electric power company transition its disaster funding management office under responsibility of the program management office (PMO). Supported organizational design and governance structure. Defined clear roles, responsibilities, and decision rights
  • Supported a vertically integrated utility in the Caribbean in the development of its 10-year infrastructure plan. Commitment of funds from the federal government was contingent upon the successful submittal of the 10-year plan. Developed general outline and template to be used. Described how funds would be used to build a more resilient and reliable system. Demonstrated organization’s approach and capabilities to manage and execute projects approved by the federal government
  • Provided program and project management support to a major electric power company to support damage assessment and repair effort of large thermal generating station after the impacts of recent earthquakes. Assisted in establishing governance for broader execution team. Developed execution plan and managed stakeholder communications, reporting, and engagement
  • Supported the PMO of a vertically integrated utility in the Caribbean to enhance its governance, policies, and procedures around project portfolio management. Led the creation of new tools, templates, and controls and configured an enterprise project management system. Developed system guides and provided change management and training support. Provided project management support to generation teams for federally and non-federally funded infrastructure improvement projects

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