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Ed Baker


Ed Baker is a partner with ScottMadden and co-leads the firm’s nuclear and gas practices. He has been a consultant since joining the firm in 2001. He has extensive experience with performance/operations improvement, strategy development and business planning, organization design and staffing, and fleet playbooks/management models. Prior to attending graduate school, Ed was vice president of professional banking with a North Carolina bank. He is a graduate of the Babcock Graduate School of Business at Wake Forest University, where he was a Babcock Scholar and recipient of the Kiplinger Prize for academic achievement and leadership potential and the Babcock Award for managerial potential. He earned a B.S. in financial management at Clemson University.

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Recent Assignments

  • For a top-10 fleet operator, managed the development of its playbook/management model to operate as a fleet, including establishing corporate functional oversight, clarifying accountabilities, and setting standards for standards for its organization, hierarchy of procedures, tiered indicators, regular management meetings, business plans, functional area ownership, and improvement plans
  • Assisted with an assessment of a nuclear station not practicing strict compliance with its operational “playbook,” focusing on behavior and leadership gaps that cut across all functional areas
  • Assessed the operating model of a large nuclear fleet and made recommendations to the chief nuclear officer on opportunities for improvements to ensure that the model will continue to be effective for the fleet given the changing landscape of the business environment
  • Led an effort to revise a Canadian utility’s off- and on-site radiological monitoring program in response to the Fukushima-Daiichi event. The team to designed, procured, and implement state-of-the-art permanent and portable radiological monitors complimented with an analytical engine that collects environmental data in real-time to monitor changing environment conditions
  • For multiple gas LDCs, managed large multi-team projects to assess their current state processes, functions, and organizations, and led teams through developing future state designs and business cases to support implementation
  • Supported the development of strategic sourcing at a large gas utility. Determined the savings potential, developed and executed a plan to achieve these savings through the establishment of client-led teams; achieved seven-figure cost reductions while initiating leading practices in spend and market analysis, sourcing strategy, RFP development, proposal evaluation, negotiation, and contracting
  • Assisted a dual-unit nuclear operator with a reorganization/downsizing, focusing on benchmarking the workload and associated staffing levels of four similar sized nuclear operators to that of the client. The team identified best practices and improvement opportunities from these benchmarks and formulated staffing recommendations
  • Led one of the largest downsizing efforts in commercial nuclear history. Developed the staffing approach, facilitated selection meetings, and maintained the database to track each in-scope employee through the process until the new organization was selected
  • For multiple functions at a large regulated utility—including human resources, information technology, and customer service—developed and implemented a staffing process to achieve the desired reduction in staff. Support included facilitation of selection meetings
  • For a large, multinational transmission and distribution contractor, performed an industry study of the gas markets for the United States and Canada. Topics included natural gas and natural gas liquid economics, sources of demand, regulatory outlook, pipeline forecast, LDC infrastructure, and rail vs. pipeline
  • Developed a “playbook” to document a large generation company’s approach to building new nuclear generation; assisted with the marketing and launch of a new business line

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