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ScottMadden to Release Energy Industry Update: “Money, Money, Money”

October 12, 2022

ScottMadden, Inc., one of North America’s leading management consulting firms specializing in energy, will soon release its fall 2022 issue of the ScottMadden Energy Industry Update. The Energy Industry Update has catalyzed strategic discussion, debate, and decisions for more than a decade. More than 10,000 executive leaders rely on it for the most important trends and thought-provoking insights

Themed “Money, Money, Money,” ScottMadden’s upcoming report will focus on topics related to:

  • Cost and Affordability – The past several years have seen rising generation fuel prices, growing investment in electric infrastructure, and continued buildout of low-carbon-emitting resources. We expect many utilities to grow their investments as they pursue net-zero objectives. As these costs eventually work their way into rates, utilities and regulators must consider the trajectory of energy costs and their impact on affordability.
  • Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 – Less than a year after passing major federal infrastructure legislation, Congress has passed $369 billion+ legislation containing energy- and climate-related incentives and investments. Much work lies ahead in organizing and deploying programs under the IRA, while energy companies consider which investments will be most beneficial to their respective businesses.
  • Integrated Distribution Planning – Numerous utilities are deploying grid modernization programs to update grid facilities, enhance demand response and efficiency, facilitate distributed resource deployment, and prepare for increased electrification. But end-user characteristics such as widespread vehicle electrification remain years away. How do you plan, develop, and recover investment in a grid that can accommodate a distributed future?

“Questions circulating around the energy industry focus on energy infrastructure needs—specifically, who provides funding, how much is needed, and how will it be recovered or repaid? As policymakers, utilities, and other stakeholders look to meet growing demands with post-pandemic and geopolitical turmoil looming, the industry must keep accessibility, reliability, and affordability at the center of every decision to develop an effective energy infrastructure strategy,” says Cristin Lyons, partner and energy practice leader at ScottMadden.

To receive your copy of this complimentary report, subscribe here, or to download the prior issue, click here.

An advance copy of the Update will be available to the media prior to the release date. For more details, please contact us.

Complimentary Energy Industry Update Webcast

We encourage you to join ScottMadden’s complimentary webcast, “ScottMadden’s Energy Industry Update – Money, Money, Money,” on November 9 to hear our energy experts share their views and field questions related to these topics and more. Cristin Lyons, ScottMadden’s energy practice leader, will serve as webcast moderator. Register for this webcast here.

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