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ScottMadden Reviews Electric Vehicle Workplace Charging Infrastructure, Incentives, and Benefits beyond the Grid

April 1, 2019

ScottMadden, Inc., one of North America’s leading management consulting firms specializing in energy, has released a new report that reviews electric vehicle (EV) workplace charging infrastructure and incentives. This report, featured by GreenBiz, explores EV growth implications and advancements, strategies for managed charging, and benefits beyond the electric grid.

Electric transportation is an emerging technology poised for rapid adoption in the United States. However, if current EV charging behavior is not changed, EVs will stress the system at the wrong time and require additional infrastructure to meet peak demand. Some electric utilities are getting ahead of this issue and supporting EV workplace charging as part of a comprehensive approach to EVs.

“There are so many potential positives with electric vehicles; however, there can be some significant negative impacts on the electric system if we don’t manage charging in a smart way,” explains Chris Vlahoplus, internal advisor at ScottMadden. “Workplaces are ideal charging locations for EVs, as workplace charging creates demand when solar generation saturates the electric system with excess supply,” adds Benjamin Lozier, senior research analyst at ScottMadden.

For more information on how workplace charging can be a key component to optimizing the cost of infrastructure needed to support EVs, please contact us.

About ScottMadden’s Clean Tech & Sustainability Practice

Leveraging our energy expertise, the ScottMadden Clean Tech & Sustainability practice helps our clients effectively navigate through the quickly changing energy landscape. We specialize in assisting our clients with sustainable energy strategies and making smart portfolio choices. We work with our clients to understand and effectively utilize cleaner, renewable sources of energy, such as wind, solar, bioenergy, and nuclear. Our experienced team of energy practitioners understands the roles of energy efficiency, demand response, and storage as part of an integrated strategy. We also assist clients with sustainability, bringing an understanding of energy-unique concerns.

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