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ScottMadden Discusses Strategies and Policy Considerations for an Uncertain Grid Market

April 9, 2018

ScottMadden, Inc., one of North America’s leading energy consulting firms, recently sponsored and presented at Infocast’s 21st Annual Transmission Summit. This three-day program featured two distinct events: The Transmission Executive Exchange focused on resiliency in the 21st century grid, while the Transmission Summit reviewed transition strategies in uncertain markets. Stephen Haubrich, director at ScottMadden, and Cristin Lyons, partner and energy practice leader at ScottMadden, came away with key insights related to the uncertain grid market. Access their complete summary notes here.

During the Transmission Summit, Mr. Haubrich led a panel focused on electric infrastructure development policy. The panel addressed key challenges in transmission infrastructure development, state- and federal-level transmission policies with the biggest impact on utilities, and what might be done at the state and federal levels to streamline transmission development. One of the primary observations from the panel was that infrastructure challenges vary significantly by region and by state. View additional key takeaways here.

“The discussion highlighted the regional nature of policy impacts on transmission infrastructure development and a general desire for Order 1000 to be revisited,” said Mr. Haubrich.

Perhaps the biggest issue affecting transmission is the uncertainty over generation mix in markets being driven by an ongoing debate over capacity market reforms and price formation. These issues are not only the subject of a FERC proceeding, but also a flurry of activity being driven by the ISOs and RTOs themselves. During the Transmission Summit, Ms. Lyons moderated a panel that discussed the status of wholesale power market reforms and the possible viability of various paths moving forward. Dive into the session highlights here.

“Wholesale markets are facing challenges with resource mix and pricing that were never contemplated when they were established. Resilience is only one of the issues raised by this evolving resource mix – markets are going to continue to grapple with creating mechanisms that ensure reliability while providing appropriate pricing signals to all participants,” explained Ms. Lyons.

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About ScottMadden’s Grid Transformation Practice

For more than 30 years, ScottMadden has helped our clients transform the way they operate, plan, and maintain the grid and interact with their customers. The Grid Transformation practice focuses on helping clients adapt to the myriad changes driven by the increasing penetration of distributed energy resources, such as distributed generation, storage, demand response, and microgrids. We help our clients choose the path that meets their reliability, customer, and regulatory goals, and then we help them implement it.


About ScottMadden, Inc.

ScottMadden is the management consulting firm that does what it takes to get it done right. Our practice areas include Energy, Clean Tech & Sustainability, Corporate & Shared Services, Grid Transformation, and Rates, Regulation, & Planning. We deliver a broad array of consulting services ranging from strategic planning through implementation across many industries, business units, and functions. To learn more, visit | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn


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