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Results from the ScottMadden UMMBC 2012 Survey

Many companies proudly claim that their employees are their most valuable asset. As an organization whose business it is to manage the purchases, stock levels, and provision of critical materials and services on a daily basis, one could argue the supply chain organization should be just as adept at managing its human assets. However, recent studies have shown that external labor market pressures, changes in the characteristics of the labor force, and inter-organizational disconnects (e.g., between HR and supply chain) are among many factors challenging supply chain’s ability to field the skilled workforce needed.

To more fully explore talent management issues within utility supply chain organizations, ScottMadden, Inc., in collaboration with members of the Utility Materials Management Benchmarking Consortium (UMMBC) surveyed supply chain managers in the electric utility industry. This article provides insight into a sample of the results from this survey.

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