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The ScottMadden Grid Modernization Road Map

Grid modernization is the combination of emerging technologies that makes the grid more efficient, more cost-effective, and more responsive to customer needs. The following video features Cristin Lyons, partner and energy practice leader and Justin Stevens, partner as they discuss the ScottMadden Grid Modernization Road Map – a set of tools and frameworks that help you identify, prioritize, and justify your grid modernization investments.

Watch this video as Cristin Lyons and Justin Stevens discuss the ScottMadden Grid Modernization Road Map.

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Informing the Transmission Discussion

This report, prepared by ScottMadden for WIRES, includes a comprehensive overview of the state of play of transmission. It examines, region by region, the challenges posed by a changing energy mix, increasing electrification, and the increasing need for location constrained renewables. The report also discusses growing concerns about the resilience of the North American electric power system and how all of these issues should be considered from an interregional transmission development perspective.

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