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The Energy Industry Update – Volume 15, Issue 2

Video produced by Blueforest Studios (

Strange Brew: Adapting to Changing Fundamentals

The electric industry seems to be on the cusp of great change. Regulators are rethinking the hundred-year-old rate-of-return paradigm, renewables costs are falling (especially for solar photovoltaic technology), and the final rule is out on comprehensive power sector greenhouse gas emissions. Grid transformation is breaking down traditional boundaries between customers and producers, supply and demand, and roles of the center and the edge of the electric grid.

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Highlights include:

View from the Executive Suite View from the Executive Suite

In this section, we look at themes of this issue as well as selected comments from energy and utility company annual reports.

Energy Supply, Demand, and Markets Energy Supply, Demand, and Markets

In this section, we look at U.S. gas resources, production, and infrastructure.

Rates and Regulatory Developments Rate and Regulatory Developments

In this section, we examine New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision regulatory proceedings and FERC’s recently approved metrics to measure transmission investment policy effectiveness.

Clean Tech and Environment Clean Tech and Environment

In this section, we detail the EPA’s Clean Power Plan and coal combustion residuals rule, community solar, and energy storage.

Managing the Utility Enterprise Managing the Utility Enterprise

In this section, we look at cybersecurity as a means to improve utility-government information sharing and comparative costs of renewables vs. gas-fired generation.

Managing the Utility Enterprise About ScottMadden’s Energy Practice

Since 1983, we have served more than 300 clients, including 20 of the top 20 energy utilities. We have performed more than 2,400 projects across every energy utility business unit and every function.

Since 1983, we have served more than 300 clients, including 20 of the top 20 energy utilities. We have performed more than 2,400 projects across every energy utility business unit and every function.

We hope you will find The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update to be a useful and informative resource. If you would like to discuss our observations in greater detail or have us present them or our views on other industry or management issues to your executive team, please contact us. Learn more about our Energy Practice area.

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