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Energy Industry Update Volume 23, Issue 1


Just Can't Get Enough

This Energy Industry Update examines the state of the utility and energy industry broadly and those areas where we “just can’t get enough” or would certainly like more—such as adequate energy resources to serve load during each hour of the year, or coordination of processes, approaches, and assumptions for planning, or enough financial returns in a rising cost environment. Utility and energy companies continue to pursue investment to “get enough” resources and growth in their business, in the face of macro headwinds and tailwinds. 

For an overview of this report, watch this video as industry experts share what’s covered and why it’s important.


Join more than 10,000 executives who rely on the EIU for the most important trends and data-driven insights. Highlights for each section of the latest EIU are shown below.

To access the associated webcast and presentation, click here.

Utility Themes: Headwinds and Tailwinds

The U.S. energy and utility sectors continue to navigate turbulence driven by inflation, geopolitical events, and more. The long-term effects on the utility industry are yet to be determined. Combatting turmoil with infrastructure investment support and efforts from the Federal Reserve, utilities must keep a close pulse on financial metrics.

Australia’s Energy Transition: Ghost of the U.S. Future?

Ambitions for rapid change in Australia’s electric sector should send a clear message to U.S. utilities: the energy transition will be both top-down and bottom-up.  Utilities must be active participants by offering balanced solutions accounting for reliability and affordability. The transition will require conversation about the pace of change and trade-offs involved.

Winter Storm Elliott: The Reviews Continue

In late December 2022, utilities scrambled as a deep winter freeze left as many as 1.6 million customers without power during an extreme weather event. With growing electrification and a changing resource mix, grid operators must plan and prepare to ensure resource adequacy.

Gas Utility Developments: Where To From Here?

Despite rising commodity prices, infrastructure investments, and decarbonization efforts, the pressure is on Gas LDCs to ensure affordability and cost stability. Combining forces with policies related to the energy transition, the outlook is unclear for natural gas LDCs.

Integrated System Planning: The Next Evolution

As utility systems (generation, transmission, and distribution) become more complex and system elements involve more trade-offs, planning must adapt to ensure goals are aligned across the utility and with regulatory policy driving changes. 

Resource Adequacy: Ready for an Update?

Recent grid stresses have spurred the electric industry to reconsider its approach to resource adequacy. Are traditional measures of resource adequacy – availability at peak – insufficient as more energy-limited resources come online? Resource adequacy analysis is adapting to account for increasingly complex variables.

The Energy Industry in Charts

This is a graphical look at interesting facts and statistics in the energy industry.

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