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Energy Industry Update Volume 22, Issue 2


Money, Money, Money

Everything boils down to money. In our latest Energy Industry Update—themed Money, Money, Money—we examine the infrastructure investment needed to enable the clean energy transition and look at the way that money is flowing through the system to pay for it. In this edition, you will learn how regulators and utilities are monitoring affordability as new infrastructure development, rising fuel prices, and the continued buildout of the grid and low-carbon-emitting resources feed through electricity costs. We also discuss how utilities plan for, develop, and recover investment in grid modernization programs that can accommodate a distributed future. And let’s not forget the IRA—in this issue we explore the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and the work that lies ahead in understanding, organizing, and deploying programs that fall under it.

For an overview of this report, watch this video as industry experts share what’s covered and why it’s important.


Join more than 10,000 executives who rely on the EIU for the most important trends and data-driven insights. Highlights for each section of the latest EIU are shown below.

To access the associated webcast and presentation, click here.

Energy Cost and Affordability

As we see rising generation fuel prices, growing investment in electric infrastructure, and continued buildout of low-carbon-emitting resources – how will utilities grow their investments as they pursue net-zero objectives? We explore cost and affordability concerns as these costs inevitably work their way into rates.

Integrated Distribution Planning

Explore how integrated distribution planning for utilities requires deploying grid modernization programs to update grid facilities, enhance demand response and efficiency, facilitate distributed resource deployment, and prepare for increased electrification.

Natural Gas Developments

Global dynamics, gas-power interdependence, policy changes, and capital needs, as well as rising gas prices, have made for complicated natural gas industry dynamics. We consider these recent trends and their durability.

California's Energy Transition

California began its energy transition decades ago and has recently accelerated its aspirations, requiring all of the state’s electricity be produced by zero carbon resources by 2045. While California has hurdles remaining as it changes its resource mix, we explore what can be learned from its journey to date.

Inflation Reduction Act of 2022

What lies ahead for the Inflation Reduction Act, the $369 billion+ legislation that includes energy- and climate-related incentives and investments? Energy companies will need to consider which investments will be most beneficial to their respective businesses.

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