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Make-Ready Program Design


Our client, a large investor-owned utility, was charged with implementing a $300M make-ready infrastructure program in support of state decarbonization and transportation electrification goals. Due to the program’s size and complexity, successfully developing and executing this program was going to require significant amounts of planning and cross-functional stakeholder alignment. As a result, our client reached out to us for support in providing regulatory strategy, program design, and implementation support.


  • We were brought in by our client during the stakeholder process to assist with regulatory strategy and filing support in anticipation of a final commission order on the make-ready program. In this role, we facilitated the development of regulatory filings in support of the program.
  • Our focus then turned to program planning where we developed an executable implementation plan, including the development of program governance and process design and narratives.
  • We also worked with our client to design an application process for the program and designed and launched an application review tool, project status tracker, and program reporting dashboard to facilitate the submission and review of applications.


  • Our client was immediately faced with high demand from charger developers indicating a strong start. Having detailed process maps and a defined governance structure allowed it to successfully process the incoming program applications.
  • In addition, we developed a tracking tool with a key metrics dashboard to track program applications and project progress.
  • After approximately six months, our client had committed almost $250k in incentives representing a 10% increase in L2-charging stations and a 53% increase in L2 plugs in its service territory.
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Buck Hagood Director

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