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Supply Chain Learning Series Part 2

Accounts Payable (AP) has proven to be extremely effective in a shared services model but efficiencies are largely dependent on upstream supply chain processes. When leading shared services operations look for performance improvements or cost reductions in AP, they are forced to evaluate the entire P2P process to identify savings opportunities. “How P2P Fits Within an Enterprise Supply Chain” is the second topic of a supply chain learning series presented by ScottMadden and Shared Services & Outsourcing Network (SSON). In this session, we focus on the key attributes of a successful P2P transformation and the role technology plays in enabling the capture of the synergies and savings associated with P2P in a shared services delivery model.

For more in this series, please see:

The Enterprise Supply Chain View

Supply Chain Governance

MPj03998360000[1] MPj04000040000[1] j0202155 j0178834

Link to: How-Purchase-to-Pay-Fits-Within-An-Enterprise-Supply-Chain-17.HTM Link to: How-Purchase-to-Pay-Fits-Within-An-Enterprise-Supply-Chain-12.HTM Link to: How-Purchase-to-Pay-Fits-Within-An-Enterprise-Supply-Chain-13.HTM Link to: How-Purchase-to-Pay-Fits-Within-An-Enterprise-Supply-Chain-13.HTM Link to: How-Purchase-to-Pay-Fits-Within-An-Enterprise-Supply-Chain-13.HTM Link to: How-Purchase-to-Pay-Fits-Within-An-Enterprise-Supply-Chain-18.HTM Link to: How-Purchase-to-Pay-Fits-Within-An-Enterprise-Supply-Chain-13.HTM Link to: How-Purchase-to-Pay-Fits-Within-An-Enterprise-Supply-Chain-11.HTM Link to: How-Purchase-to-Pay-Fits-Within-An-Enterprise-Supply-Chain-11.HTM

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