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Good nuclear plant performance depends in large part on how well each of the individual functional areas are performing (operations, maintenance, engineering, etc.). When all functions are performing well, the plant will perform well. Good nuclear operators have learned that it is better to identify and address performance declines in individual functional areas early before they lead to a more systemic performance declines. In addition, a focus on functional area improvement may be an important strategy as a part of an overall plant improvement effort.

The best fleets and plants have created a formal approach to conduct a functional area gap review to identify gaps in functional area performance and correct course.

In this edition of the Nuclear Plant Recovery Series, the third article in the six-part series, we introduce functional area gap reviews with an overview that answers: What is a functional area gap review? When do you initiate a functional area gap review? How do you conduct a functional area gap review?

To access the full series, please click here.

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