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Fleet Electrification and Infrastructure Planning


ScottMadden was engaged to develop a fleet electrification strategy and implementation plan for a large, Mid-Atlantic electric and gas utility to support their transportation electrification goals. The company had committed to electrifying 100% of its light-duty vehicles by 2030 and 100% of its heavy-duty vehicles by 2037 but lacked a robust plan that optimized vehicle replacement and charging infrastructure deployment while balancing costs and operational requirements. This meant cross-department collaboration (e.g., facilities, transportation, engineering, etc.), requiring groups that typically don’t work together to become familiar with new processes and technologies.


  • Developed a model that allowed the client to predict future charging infrastructure needs based on expected electric vehicle use and location
  • Gathered and analyzed available fleet vehicle telematics to model duty cycles that electric vehicles would be expected to meet, including storm response situations
  • Modeled potential electric vehicle usage, energy consumption, and charging behavior under multiple use cases (e.g., blue-sky days, high-utilization seasons, emergency operations) to determine estimated charging requirements for each facility


  • Created an integrated fleet and facilities electrification plan that charts a path toward the client’s electrification goals
  • Enabled the client to identify which vehicle types and duty cycles were most suitable for electrification and prioritized vehicle replacement and charging infrastructure investments accordingly
  • Assisted the client in prioritizing and planning for capital investments to ensure alignment with vehicle electrification goals
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Contributing Authors

Buck Hagood Director
Mike Flint Manager

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