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The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | January 2014

The combination of increasing environmental regulations, renewable energy policy and technology advances, and continued production of cheap natural gas from unconventional North American resources is shifting the capacity and energy mix in the United States and Canada. Industry observers are trying to gauge how quickly we can make this transition and what the implications are for energy infrastructure adequacy, reliability, and economics, from gas pipeline capacity to power generation to the electric grid. Read more below.

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Natural Gas Prices: Making a Turn in 2015?

LNG Exports: DOE Continues Measured Approach to Authorizations

Gas Infrastructure: Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude

Coal-Fired Generation Retirements: How Close to the Edge Are We Getting?

Out of Time? NERC’s Latest Reliability Assessment

Impact of Renewables: Spotlight on Wind and Negative Prices

Baseload Generation’s Primary Challenges: Wind, Yes; Natural Gas, Definitely

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