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Energy Industry Update Volume 19, Issue 1


How Soon Is Now?

Themed “How Soon Is Now?,” this edition of the ScottMadden Energy Industry Update explores how the industry is answering the call for change. Clean technologies are advancing (e.g., battery storage, renewables, distributed energy resources, small modular reactors), and all may have a role to play, but how soon? In the meantime, the industry continues to focus on resiliency and what that means for the grid, pipelines, and the generation mix.

For an overview of this report, watch this video as industry experts share what’s covered and why it’s important.

How Soon Is Now?

Join more than 10,000 executives who rely on the Energy Industry Update (EIU) for important trends and data-driven insights. This issue will allow you to:

  • Enhance your strategy by identifying risks for reversing the gains in carbon emissions reduction from nuclear-generation retirements and the impact on the carbon intensity of the United States electricity sector
  • Understand smart cities for improved quality of life and the role of an energy utility in supporting smart city development
  • Learn about interest in non-wires alternatives (NWAs), considerations for planning and procurement, and where we might see them next

Executive Summary

How soon is now for competing priorities of new infrastructure, resiliency, clean energy sources, and effective incentives?

Resilience and Reliability

Strategies are being developed, but questions remain: how much resilience is reasonable (and at what cost) and what actions should be prioritized?

U.K. Fact-Finding Mission

How is the U.K.’s performance-based regulatory mechanism advancing its energy and decarbonization goals?

Non-Wires Alternatives

What are the key considerations for planning and procurement of NWAs, and where might we see them next?

Small Modular Nuclear Reactors

What are SMRs, how viable are they, and what is driving renewed interest in them?

Gas Transformation

Can the market deliver on the increasing demand for gas and increasing production from a variety of shale plays?

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

With the possible retirements of nuclear power plants, what are the implications for carbon emissions and our energy future?

The Energy Industry in Charts

A graphical look at divergences in the energy industry.

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