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Don’t Stop Believin’

A strong domestic economy, evolving regulations and policies, continued technology development, and ongoing interest in developing new energy resources are shaping the energy landscape. Energy and utility companies are pursuing growth and are developing and modernizing needed infrastructure while responding to stakeholders with disparate interests.

Themed “Don’t Stop Believin’,” this issue explores some of the emerging and continuing trends in the industry, helping energy and Utility Industry Leaders move from “believin’” to realization.

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Highlights include:

View from the Executive Suite

What are the emerging themes and trends defining the energy industry? How are mergers and acquisitions fairing?

Energy Supply, Demand, and Markets

Electrification could grow electric sales, but by how much? What are the opportunities for and possible trade-offs with increased electrification? How are liquified natural gas exports reshaping both domestic and international markets?

Infrastructure and Technology

As electric vehicles gain traction, what do utilities need to consider when planning their electric transportation strategy? What are the emerging issues surrounding power transmission and gas pipeline projects? Looking back, has FERC found the right incentives for the power transmission industry?

Rate and Regulatory Issues

Utilities around the United States have been proposing and implementing grid modernization initiatives. What is driving the push for grid modernization and how are utilities justifying their investments? What should other utilities consider for their own programs?

Clean Tech and Environment

How can different solar plus storage system configurations impact a project’s operational flexibility and economic value?

ScottMadden’s EIU Webcast

Take a step back and consider what is happening, what it means, and where our industry is headed. Access our webcast recording to hear our industry experts share their views and field questions related to grid modernization efforts around the nation, evolving federal policy toward wholesale energy infrastructure development, and opportunities for and possible trade-offs with increased electrification.

Since 1983, we have served as energy consultants for hundreds of utilities, large and small, including all top 20 energy utilities.

We hope you will find The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update to be a useful and informative resource. If you would like to discuss our observations in greater detail, have us present them to your executive team, or suggest a topic for future issues, please contact us. Learn more about our Energy Practice area.

View from the Executive Suite

Executive Summary

How are energy and utility companies pursuing growth and developing and modernizing needed infrastructure while responding to stakeholders with disparate interests. Read more

Mergers and Acquisitions: The Deals Keep Coming

Mergers and acquisitions have been proceeding over the past 18 months. What are the details of some noteworthy transactions in both gas and power? What are some of the rationales behind these deals. Read more

Energy Supply, Demand, and Markets

Efficient Electrification: The Electric Industry Sees a Growth Opportunity

Efficient electrification may prove to be a growth strategy for electric utilities. How is increased electrification being promoted by industry organizations (EEI, EPRI, et al.), government agencies, and others? Read more

Liquefied Natural Gas: Exports Begin Reshaping Both Domestic and Internal Markets

The race to build export terminals is in stark contrast to 2005 when import facilities were being constructed, and the EIA estimated that the United States would import 18 BCF/day by 2025.What are the implications for the domestic gas market as the United States positions itself to become a major LNG exporter? Read more

Infrastructure and Technology

Electric Vehicles: Time for  Utility Engagement and Planning

There is significant opportunity for utilities to identify how to strategically engage players in the EV ecosystem and proactively plan for PEVs. How might high penetration of EVs affect the electric distribution system? Read more

Power Transmission: Much Planning, But Tailwinds Are Abating

FERC is re-examining financial incentives that have been in place for years, but non-incumbent transmission developers continue to face hurdles in competitive transmission solicitations. Read more

Gas Pipelines: Projects Proceed but Resistance Remains

Gas pipeline development has been continuing, although in some regions, opposition has been active. How will FERC’s divergent opinions on gas pipeline approvals shape future investment? Read more

Rate and Regulatory Issues

Grid Modernization: States and Utilities Test the Waters

There is no one-size-fits-all definition for what grid modernization is or what investments comprise grid modernization initiatives; however, there are common themes around enabling customer engagement, enhancing reliability and resiliency, and more efficiently using grid assets. Read more

Clean Tech and Environment

Solar Plus Storage: System Configuration Impacts Operational Flexibility and Economic Value

Multiple solar plus storage configurations exist, each impacting system operations and value differently. How has a tighter coupling of solar plus storage decreased operational flexibility, but improved the value obtained from the federal investment tax credit? Read more

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