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The Energy Industry Update – Volume 16, Issue 1

Neither Fish Nor Fowl

The energy industry is changing, and its regulatory and financial moorings are shifting. Continuing cost declines in distributed resources take place alongside new gas and nuclear plant build. The supply stack is becoming greener, but the Clean Power Plan has been stayed. In our Update, themed “Neither Fish nor Fowl,” we look at the unusual picture drawn by the juxtaposition of these changes.

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Video produced by Blueforest Studios (

Highlights include:

View from the Executive Suite

Overview of emerging theme and trends defining the industry, including consolidation in the energy and utilities sector

Rates and Regulatory Issues

How are new distributed energy technology, customer preferences, and new participants impacting utilities and the traditional regulatory compact? How are utilities and regulation adjusting to these changes?

Infrastructure and Technology

Review of energy and utility companies and how they are accommodating larger penetration of renewable resources (including distributed PV) on their systems as well as the ongoing convergence of information technology and operational technology and how that is affecting cybersecurity efforts

Clean Tech and Environment

Summary of key clean tech developments, such as Clean Power Plan litigation and planning, Congress’ extension of renewables tax incentives, and continued activity in the electric vehicle sector

Energy Supply, Demand, and Markets

Developments in wholesale power markets and in selected trends in North American power supply, including nuclear power and decentralized generation

ScottMadden’s Webcast Recording

Coinciding with the release of ScottMadden’s latest Energy Industry Update, this webcast provides you with the insights and knowhow to navigate the energy transitions in Texas and Hawaii and cybersecurity information technology/operations technology.

Since 1983, we have served more than 300 clients, including 20 of the top 20 energy utilities. We have performed more than 2,400 projects across every energy utility business unit and every function.

We hope you will find The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update to be a useful and informative resource. If you would like to discuss our observations in greater detail, have us present them to your executive team, or suggest a topic for future issues please contact us. Learn more about our Energy Practice area.

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