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DER Integration into Wholesale Markets

ScottMadden recently joined energy executives as a presenter at the NYISO Distributed Energy Resource Workshop. The NYISO recently issued a draft roadmap for the integration of distributed energy resources (DER) into the NYISO market. During this stakeholder workshop held on Thursday, September 22 in Albany, NY, the NYISO gathered stakeholder input on this roadmap. At the event, Cristin Lyons, partner and practice leader for Grid Transformation at ScottMadden, provided an overview of the integration of DER into wholesale markets in the United States. This presentation examines DER integration into wholesale markets and the challenges of integrating behind-the-meter resources.



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Six Keys for Utilities to Successfully Scale Energy Efficiency Programs

New utility and state carbon-reduction goals, increasingly favorable economics, and incentives to adopt EE all contribute to the need for some utilities to scale their EE programs. A first step in doing so is documenting the current state before identifying areas for improvement or efficiency, such as with increased automation. As described above, the management of ICs and robust EM&V is also important components, along with the incorporation of change management practices throughout a ramp-up.

Informing the Transmission Discussion

This report, prepared by ScottMadden for WIRES, includes a comprehensive overview of the state of play of transmission. It examines, region by region, the challenges posed by a changing energy mix, increasing electrification, and the increasing need for location constrained renewables. The report also discusses growing concerns about the resilience of the North American electric power system and how all of these issues should be considered from an interregional transmission development perspective.

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