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As you know, consumer behavior is evolving and getting more sophisticated. Today, consumers demand customer service options that are timely, efficient, and easy to use. In a 2015 survey*, 92% of consumers surveyed said they would leave a company that did not provide satisfactory customer service. To deliver quality customer service that will retain and grow your customer base, you must adapt to meet ever-changing customer expectations—including developing omni-channel strategies.

Self-service is a key factor in creating a successful omni-channel strategy. However, simply providing a self-service option does not guarantee satisfaction. In fact, this is one example of many where establishing the right infrastructure is critical to making your customer experience barrier-free.

To help you produce data-driven, practical initiatives that will improve your customer service experience and reduce cost, ScottMadden has developed a simple, efficient method for evaluating your customer contact operations. Our approach has been proven to increase customer loyalty as well as streamline operations.

To learn more about our contact center approach contact us today.

Download the full report for more information about contact center assessments and improving your planning approach.

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