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HR shared services have emerged from the back office to significantly support CEO’s strategic initiatives. For many corporations, the idea of Shared Services was once limited to a back office activity. More and more CEO’s are finding that Shared Services can provide much-needed guidance when recruiting new talent and managing personnel growth. By leveraging Shared Services for Human Resources, top management can better equip organizations with the resources necessary for strategic initiatives across the company by developing at-scale functions such as training, compliance, and data analytics.

In today’s increasingly competitive labor market, where an agile approach is essential to attract top talent and implement changes, adapting to the environment by strategically utilizing shared services has become an invaluable asset to HR management. In its new role, HR shared services are no longer just about effective recruiting and career management but about developing and supporting the organization to ensure productivity and provide the framework and tools to create improved value-add for business.

So, what drives success and performance, and what sets the top 20% apart? The answers can be found in ScottMadden and SSON’s latest shared services for Human Resources benchmarking analysis report entitled “10 Characteristics of Top Performing HR Service Organizations“.

Access benchmark analysis and tips from ScottMadden’s leading HR experts and case studies. If you would like to discuss the report in greater detail or learn about ScottMadden’s proven HR capabilities, please contact us.

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