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White Paper

Emerging Regional Electricity Market Issues

April 30, 2009

Wholesale energy markets in the United States that are managed by Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) face a number of challenges. These challenges are being driven by current economic pressures coupled with emergent public policy, including federal legislative and regulatory initiatives. In the white paper, “Emerging Regional Electricity Market Issues,” ScottMadden will describe the broad level of responsibilities that RTO market administrators must exercise on a daily basis and examine the following challenges that they will likely encounter over the next several years:

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Public-Private Partnerships

April 15, 2009

The Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Opportunity

The United States stands on the cusp of a substantial investment in transportation and energy infrastructure, unprecedented since Roosevelt’s New Deal. As part of the evolving federal energy policy, the federal government is proposing strategic investments in clean technology development, the electricity transmission grid, carbon capture and storage technology, and significant upgrading and development of transportation infrastructure.

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IT Organization Assessment

March 19, 2009

The impact of information technology (IT) on today’s businesses is greater than ever before. Companies are facing higher IT costs, managing complex technology and processes, and increasingly monitoring compliance and regulatory requirements. Fundamental to improving the value of information technology is to migrate IT from a traditional cost center to an organization that enables its internal customers to efficiently and effectively serve their external customers. If you’re not running your IT organization as business, an assessment of current state is in order to compare existing processes, cost and overall organization wellness to the leading practices in the industry.

You Play Like You Practice (Best Practices for Energy Generation)

September 1, 2006

In this article, featured by World Generation, we offer key best practices for energy generation-related system operations. Assessing operations now for best practices will help ensure that the lights stay on without breaking the bank. Read more to find out.

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