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The Next Step for Mature Shared Services Organizations – Establishing an Independent Entity

September 11, 2013

Independent Shared Services

Major Fortune 500 companies have been using shared services as an efficient, effective means of providing corporate support services to subordinate businesses since the 1980s. Major companies like British Petroleum, Ford, General Electric, and others have used the shared services model to reduce costs, improve service, improve compliance, and/or streamline processes with great success. A survey conducted by the Shared Services and Outsourcing Network (SSON) in conjunction with Hackett reports that at least 30 percent of companies enjoy greater than 20 percent cost savings by implementing this model. Some companies have reported much higher savings.

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Shared Services and Business Analytics

January 23, 2013


More than ever organizations understand the value effective analytics can have on their businesses. Most organizations face two primary obstacles in realizing the value of analytics: the lack of technology integration and the inability to secure and develop the right talent. Many companies are investing in predictive analytics capabilities, but they are still in the early stages of maturity. We found that only a few companies have been able to make the necessary investments to successfully overcome these obstacles and reach the end-state benefits so often attributed to effective use of predictive analytics.

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Business Analytics Maturity

January 15, 2013


Many articles and papers have been written about the benefits and value of analytics. Over the last several years, leaders have realized the impact effective analytics can have on their organizations. As these leaders attest, the benefits are indeed real. However, the process to achieve effective and comprehensive predictive analytics capabilities is a journey. And, as with any journey, the best way to understand where you would like to go is by first knowing where you are.

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Gas-Power Interdependence

January 2, 2013

Knock-on Effects of the Dash to Gas

ScottMadden believes that electric/gas convergence poses significant risks, and opportunities, to individual businesses in both the gas and electric industries. Some companies will make money due to this interdependence. And some will find themselves in the newspapers, front page, top of fold.

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Utility Supply Chain Talent Management

November 8, 2012

Results from the ScottMadden UMMBC 2012 Survey

Many companies proudly claim that their employees are their most valuable asset. As an organization whose business it is to manage the purchases, stock levels, and provision of critical materials and services on a daily basis, one could argue the supply chain organization should be just as adept at managing its human assets. However, recent studies have shown that external labor market pressures, changes in the characteristics of the labor force, and inter-organizational disconnects (e.g., between HR and supply chain) are among many factors challenging supply chain’s ability to field the skilled workforce needed.

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Business Analytics – How to Bridge the Gap Between Knowledge and Results

November 7, 2012


Business analytics and its potential value to organizations have been a frequent topic of discussion across industries over the last several years. Organizations have spent significant time and money installing and stabilizing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, data warehouses, and Business Intelligence (BI) tools in an effort to more accurately capture operational data and use it to predict future business performance. The age of social media has spawned a whole new focus on “unstructured data” and how to analyze such information, while advances in digital and mobile technology have allowed us to collect data for almost anything.

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The Next Wave in Finance & Accounting Shared Services – Establishing Centers of Expertise

August 31, 2012

Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Finance and Accounting Centers of Expertise, But Did Not Know to Ask

As finance and accounting shared services operations continue to mature, companies are increasingly attempting to add more value by “moving up the value chain.” While there are various ways to expand shared services, one of the common philosophies is to implement Centers of Expertise. But what is a Finance and Accounting Center of Expertise? What makes it different? Who should lead it?

This article offers ScottMadden’s perspective and attempts to answer “everything you always wanted to know about Finance and Accounting Centers of Expertise, but did not know to ask.”

Three Steps for Strategy-Driven Talent Management

June 28, 2012

A Guide for Managing Talent in Shared Services Organizations

Talent management has become a critical topic for shared services leaders as they face the challenge of attracting and retaining the best and brightest talent for their shared services organizations (SSOs), while managing costs and performance levels in a hypercompetitive environment.

To address this topic and learn about industry best practices for talent management, ScottMadden designed a study focused on talent management for SSOs. This study was the first cycle of a multi-year study of industry-specific trends in talent management.

Change Management

February 21, 2012

ScottMadden believes that change management is most effective when embedded within a project and least effective when it is stand-alone or “bolt-on.” Too many organizations allow for significant segregation between Project Management’s executional focus and the activities of a change team. A key point of our success is the ability of our team to integrate change management within transformational projects. In this article, we focus on effective change techniques and processes and provide an overview of ScottMadden’s extensive change management tool kit, including ScottMadden’s change model.

Traits of Successful Shared Services Leaders

July 27, 2011

Planning, Persistence, Performance, and Patience: The “4 Ps” of Shared Services Leadership

The breadth of opportunity for shared services organizations has continued to evolve but only some have been able to take advantage. Effective leadership is separating organizations that constantly extend their footprint and advance their corporate position from those that remain restricted to a limited set of transactional services. In this article ScottMadden takes a look at skills exercised by leaders of top achieving shared services organizations – those constantly pushing the envelope of growth and corporate value.

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Business Process Improvement for LDCs

October 12, 2009

Many LDCs operate with a traditional utility mindset, and often have culture and investments steeped in the legacy of a 100+ year old company, making it difficult to address challenges of attrition, volatile commodity prices, uncertain demand, shrinking margins, and continued competition from electric. Several leading LDCs have used a proven Business Process Improvement (BPI) method to review and improve their core business. In doing so, they have improved operating income per employee, ingrained a culture of continuous improvement, and created real, positive change in how employees do their jobs. Learn more in this white paper.

Generator Operational Readiness

July 24, 2009

How do you ensure that when it is time for commercial operations of your new power plant, you operate commercially? Leading firms use an Operational Readiness Assessment (ORA) process. Getting this right can save millions of dollars by avoiding replacement power costs and ensuring warranty claims are effective. ORA is the investment to protect the investment. Learn more in this white paper.

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