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Robotic Process Automation: Innovative Transformation Tool for Shared Services

January 10, 2017

As the shared services landscape becomes more competitive, back-office process owners are under increasing pressure to improve. Business leaders are faced with the challenge of cutting costs, increasing efficiency, and providing high-quality work. Traditional approaches to improvement are not always successful in the current landscape, and it is essential to pursue new options in order to remain competitive.

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Revisiting the Duck Curve: An Exploration of Its Existence, Impact, and Migration Potential

October 12, 2016

In 2013, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) conducted an analysis to understand how increasing penetrations of renewable resources would impact grid conditions. The result was the iconic “duck curve” chart, which predicted that as variable generation grows so too will the trough of load served by conventional supply in midday. ScottMadden analyzes if actual results align with the original forecast in the new report: Revisiting the Duck Curve: An Exploration of Its Existence, Impact, and Migration Potential.

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Inventory Management: What Factors Contribute to Higher Warehouse Staffing in the Utility Industry?

September 26, 2016

Higher warehouse staffing can be attributed to a variety of factors. We have narrowed in on four variables or potential contributing factors and reviewed their relationship with staffing needs.

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Inventory Management: Do Inventory Stockout Rates Impact Operating Performance?

August 15, 2016

Picture this: A repair or replacement part is not on hand when needed, thus creating additional problem-solving and expediting efforts to get your unit or asset back online safely. Assuming you have experienced a similar situation, you may have thought to yourself, “If we only had more material in our warehouse, we wouldn’t have these shortages.” Sound familiar?

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Roles and Risks in Financial Shared Services Today

June 30, 2016

In this Q&A interview with Brad DeMent and Trey Robinson, partners at ScottMadden, APQC examines the current and future state of financial shared service organizations.

This is the first in a two-part series. To access the second article in the series, please click here.

The Role of Robotics in Financial Shared Services

June 30, 2016

In this Q&A interview with Brad DeMent and Trey Robinson, partner at ScottMadden, APQC asked how robotic process automation (RPA) is set to change financial shared service organizations (SSOs). Find out the details in this report.

This is the second in a two-part series. To access the first article in the series, please click here.

Inventory Versus Material Availability

June 30, 2016

When dealing with system maintenance, many plant managers prefer to have a repair or replacement part in his or her warehouse, just in case. On the other side, some supply chain professionals argue for lower inventory levels to reduce financial holding costs.

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FERC Order No. 1000: Five Years On

June 15, 2016

Nearly five years have passed since the issuance of Order No. 1000, a rule focused on transmission planning and cost allocation by transmission owning and operating public utilities. As the industry approaches this anniversary, it is time to revisit the original objectives of Order No. 1000 and assess to what extent they have been achieved.

This complimentary white paper addresses the objectives of Order No. 1000, what has been accomplished, and key challenges with its implementation.

Primer on Bonus Depreciation

May 19, 2016

While bonus depreciation is not a new concept, the extension of bonus depreciation provisions as part of the $1.1 trillion tax extender bill passed in December 2015 was unexpected by some. Electric and gas utilities have since been weighing options and determining how to make the most of this development in lieu of their unique financial situations—with short decision timelines and potential impacts on cash flow, rate base, and earnings in the billions of dollars for the industry as a whole.

The purpose of this white paper is to provide an overview of the issue of bonus depreciation and to illustrate a few potential impacts and implications that utilities may want to consider as they determine how to proceed.

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