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Procure-to-Pay Optimization: Taking It to the Next Level

January 5, 2018

The P2P process is the combination of two enterprise business process segments that are often managed by different business areas. ScottMadden has found it helpful to think in terms of upstream processes—the world of sourcing and purchasing—and downstream processes—the world of accounts payable. Through countless hours of hard work, leading companies have pushed through a wide range of improvements which have paid off. But it has not always been an easy trek.

This report uncovers key questions to help you optimize your P2P process and find long-term value: What does a successful P2P framework look like? What are the key benefits? How do you get there? What are the main pain points? How can you address them to become more integrated? Where do you stack-up against your peers on the maturity continuum?

Intelligent Automation on the Horizon

November 9, 2017

How Intelligent Automation Will Impact Today’s Global Business Services Model

November 9, 2017

Global Business Services: The Evolving Standard for Global Service Delivery

November 8, 2017

New Cross-Industry Survey Illuminates the Landscape and Challenges of Inventory Management and Optimization

November 8, 2017

While most industry professionals agree that effective inventory optimization is a major goal, not everyone agrees on the best way to achieve it—and it can be especially challenging to ensure the “five rights” are accomplished consistently—right materials, right quantity, right location, right time, and right cost. Historically, asset-intensive companies (e.g., electric/gas utilities, mining, oil and gas) have a bit of a “checkered past” when it comes to managing inventory, specifically
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The Next Wave for Financial Shared Services – Financial Planning and Analysis Service Support

September 15, 2017

At your company, is it smooth sailing for Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A), the group responsible for providing strategic, real-time business intelligence? Are you confident that FP&A enables business as usual and shapes business transformation effectively? Could FP&A be leaner and more efficient?

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Understanding Wind Energy Potential in the Southeast

September 14, 2017

The winds of change continue to blow across the United States. With more than 84,000 MW of wind capacity located in 41 states, wind energy recently surpassed conventional hydroelectric to become the largest source of renewable energy capacity.

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Advancing Sustainability for Public Power

July 17, 2017

Talent Struggles: Managing the Generational Gap

June 22, 2017

This article is the third article of a three-part series focused on managing talent struggles. To access additional articles in the series, please see below.

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Talent Struggles: How to Attract the Right Talent

June 22, 2017

This article is the second article of a three-part series focused on managing talent struggles. To access additional articles in the series, please see below.

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Talent Struggles: The Importance of Workforce Planning

June 22, 2017

This article is the first article of a three-part series focused on managing talent struggles. To access additional articles in the series, please see below.

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Robotic Process Automation: Keys to a Successful Implementation

February 15, 2017

In “Robotic Process Automation: Innovative Transformation Tool for Shared Services,” we introduced the transformational tool called Robotic Process Automation (RPA). This software addresses numerous challenges for corporate and shared services as an efficient, cost-effective alternative to traditional process approaches. RPA implementations are increasing in popularity due to the money and resources RPA saves businesses over time. Once you decide that RPA is the right process solution for your needs, ScottMadden can help you develop a customized strategy to ensure a successful implementation.

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