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Work Activity Assessment: Gain Insight into Your Current Operations and Cost of Services

April 3, 2017

When you begin to think about changing your delivery model, one of your first questions is likely, “where do I start?” Whether you are considering a shared services model, have implemented a shared services model you wish to improve, or are interested in making other changes to your delivery model and staffing levels, understanding who does what work is critical in determining the right solution.

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EDGE Chats: The Outlook for Clean Tech

March 16, 2017

Chris Vlahoplus, Partner and Clean Tech & Sustainability Practice Leader at ScottMadden, discusses the outlook for clean tech in 2017, changes on the horizon, and career opportunities in the energy sector. The EDGE Chats series, hosted by EDGE at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, examines leading issues and trends at the intersection of energy, environment, and business.

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ScottMadden Joins DER Panel Discussion at the Duke Energy Conference

December 15, 2016

At the 2016 Duke University Energy Conference, ScottMadden joined a panel of leading industry experts to discuss the challenges and opportunities for Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) as they pertain to the grid. This annual student-led conference focuses on bringing together thought leaders in the industry, government, and academia to fuel independent analysis on energy markets, trends, policies, and technologies.

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The Energy Industry Update Webcast – As Yogi Berra Might Say…

November 7, 2016


To coincide with the release of the latest Energy Industry Update, ScottMadden joined forces with Energy Central to present an interactive webinar, “ScottMadden’s Energy Industry Update – As Yogi Berra Might Say…” During this session, our industry experts shared their views and fielded questions related to nuclear challenges and responses, changing energy supply and demand patterns, and emerging federal-state policy friction.

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Cybersecurity Threats in the Energy Industry

July 18, 2016

Video Series: Cybersecurity

What are the top cybersecurity threats faced by the Energy industry? What efforts are in place by the government to help the Energy industry face these threats? What might surprise executives about cybersecurity? Find out in the following video series, led by Jon Kerner, partner at ScottMadden.

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The Energy Industry Update Webcast – Neither Fish Nor Fowl

May 2, 2016


To coincide with the release of the latest Energy Industry Update, ScottMadden joined forces with Energy Central to present an interactive webinar, “ScottMadden’s Energy Industry Update – Neither Fish nor Fowl.” During this session, our industry experts shared their views and fielded questions related to the energy transitions in Texas and Hawaii and cybersecurity information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT).

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People Analytics and Human Capital Management: Employee Productivity and Beyond

November 12, 2015

HR needs to position themselves to add value to the business by thinking strategically about talent and to show they understand the business’s strategy and needs. This need has driven certain HR trends, with one of them being People Analytics.

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Strange Brew: Adapting to Changing Fundamentals

September 25, 2015

ScottMadden’s Fall 2015 Energy Industry Update Webinar

ScottMadden recently joined forces with Energy Central to present an interactive webinar, “ScottMadden’s Fall 2015 Energy Industry Update – Strange Brew: Adapting to Changing Fundamentals.” This session, moderated by Stuart Pearman, partner and energy practice leader at ScottMadden, was based on ScottMadden’s latest Energy Industry Update, a semi-annual publication featuring our view of recent significant events and emerging trends, received by more than 10,000 industry leaders.

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Developing a Programmatic Approach to Cybersecurity

August 25, 2015

Watch this short video clip as Henry Bell discusses cybersecurity in the energy industry.

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Aligning Business Drivers Between Finance and Procurement

July 21, 2015

Making an End-to-End Procure-to-Pay a Reality

For most companies the procure-to-pay or P2P process has evolved to where upstream processes (the world of sourcing and purchasing) and downstream processes (the world of accounts payable) are managed by different organizations and are largely disconnected at key integration points. These disconnects drive rework, inefficiency, frustration, and overall higher costs to serve.

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Proactively Plan and Shape Your Global Business Service: A Complex, But Rewarding Journey

June 22, 2015

Watch this short video clip as Brad DeMent discusses global business services.

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Join the ScottMadden Team

August 12, 2014

What’s it really like to work at ScottMadden? The video below highlights the culture and work at ScottMadden–collaborating with outstanding people with unique talents and experience.

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Sussex Economic Advisors is now part of ScottMadden. We invite you to learn more about our expanded firm. Please use the Contact Us form to request additional information.