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Energy Supply, Demand, and Markets – Fall 2015

September 14, 2015

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | September 2015

In this section, we look at U.S. gas resources, production, and infrastructure.

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Rate and Regulatory Developments – Fall 2015

September 14, 2015

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | September 2015

In this section, we examine New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision regulatory proceedings and FERC’s recently approved metrics to measure transmission investment policy effectiveness.

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Clean Tech and Environment – Fall 2015

September 14, 2015

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | September 2015

In this section, we detail the EPA’s Clean Power Plan and coal combustion residuals rule, community solar, and energy storage.

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Managing the Utility Enterprise – Fall 2015

September 14, 2015

In this section, we look at cybersecurity as a means to improve utility-government information sharing and comparative costs of renewables vs. gas-fired generation.

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Jumpstarting the M&A Integration Process

August 11, 2015

Early integration planning is critical for successfully implementing your M&A transaction. Mergers and acquisitions can create immediate value opportunities and provide a solid foundation for growth. However, a key challenge for any merger or acquisition is to quickly integrate operations using the same employees who are required to run the day-to-day business. Early planning, e.g., even prior to having a deal in place, will help you jumpstart the M&A integration process and can minimize employee distraction and workload. This document provides an overview of the steps that you can take to prepare for your merger or acquisition and successfully overcome these challenges.

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Community Solar: Overview of an Emerging Growth Market

August 4, 2015

Community solar is a rapidly emerging model that combines the value of direct customer “ownership” of rooftop solar with the flexibility and economic advantages of utility-scale solar. Successfully implementing a community solar program is not simple and requires a coordinated approach to successfully enter the market. ScottMadden has assisted clients directly with the development and evaluation of community and rooftop solar programs. Our deep understanding of utility businesses has helped us assist in implementing new technologies for utilities from rooftop solar to electric vehicles. Download the report below to learn more about the community solar market and our capabilities to help.

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Benchmarking for Natural Gas LDCs

August 3, 2015

The Electric Vehicle Market: Utility Perspective and Considerations for Utility Infrastructure Deployment

August 3, 2015

The growth of the Plug-In Electric Vehicles (PEV) is creating an opportunity for forward-thinking utilities to leverage their size and scale and deploy PEV charging infrastructure to support load growth, extend customer engagement, and grow the PEV market. This presentation is designed to help utilities who are considering the expansion of their current electric transportation program to include
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Energy Industry Cybersecurity Report

July 20, 2015

Due to information sharing concerns, energy industry cybersecurity information is not readily available. However, understanding what your industry peers are doing to respond to a growing cyber threat is required to make the best possible decisions.

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How Purchase-to-Pay Fits within an Enterprise Supply Chain

June 1, 2015

Supply Chain Learning Series Part 2

Accounts Payable (AP) has proven to be extremely effective in a shared services model but efficiencies are largely dependent on upstream supply chain processes. When leading shared services operations look for performance improvements or cost reductions in AP, they are forced to evaluate the entire P2P process to identify savings opportunities. “How P2P Fits Within an Enterprise Supply Chain” is the
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Supply Chain Governance

June 1, 2015

Supply Chain Learning Series Part 3

Effective governance is a critically important enabler in achieving “top performer” status. “Governance” is the third topic in a supply chain learning series presented by ScottMadden and Shared Services & Outsourcing Network (SSON). In this session, we focus on the key building blocks of effective supply chain governance models including decision rights, performance metrics, service level agreements, and issue escalation/resolution. In addition, we discuss how to create alignment across an enterprise for a consistent supply chain strategy that clearly differentiates transactional efficiency from higher-value, strategic activities.

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The Enterprise Supply Chain View

June 1, 2015

Supply Chain Learning Series Part 1

“The Enterprise Supply Chain View” is the first topic of a supply chain learning series that ScottMadden is presenting along with Shared Services & Outsourcing Network (SSON). In this session, we focus on key characteristics of the enterprise supply chain. A discussion of
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Sussex Economic Advisors is now part of ScottMadden. We invite you to learn more about our expanded firm. Please use the Contact Us form to request additional information.