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Strategic Planning in Public Power and Cooperatives

December 15, 2015

The Clean Power Plan

December 7, 2015

One of our partners at ScottMadden, presented at the 2015 EnergyHub GenForum on the EPA’s CPP, one of the most significant environmental mandates in U.S. history. Here, he gave an overview of the requirements and impacts of the CPP. He also recapped events now unfolding in CPP litigation, politics, and legislation.

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The Economic Consequences of New Models

November 30, 2015

The Economic Consequences of New Models Utilities in a Time of Change & Challenge Conference

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Best Practices for Selecting a Geographic Location for Your Shared Services Operations

November 16, 2015

When you make the decision to embark on the shared services journey or expand operations, the facility location question will be top of mind for your stakeholders and shared services operations (SSO) leader. Finding a strategic location for your SSO is an important and challenging decision that can impact your cost efficiencies and long-term talent pool. There are many criteria to consider and stakeholder preferences to manage. Thankfully, following a structured approach to selecting a geographic location provides the opportunity to gain stakeholder buy-in, which is critical to the success of your SSO.

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The Value of Strategic Direction

November 12, 2015

Coal Combustion Residuals

November 2, 2015

Understanding the Final Rule and Next Steps for Electric Utilities

In April 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published its final coal combustion residuals (CCR) rule. The rule regulates the disposal of CCR from active electric generating units as nonhazardous waste by establishing minimal national criteria for landfills and surface impoundments. This rule becomes effective as owners and operators have historically lacked rigorous management of CCR sites.

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Strategic Cybersecurity

October 20, 2015

Strategic Cybersecurity A Toolkit for Prioritizing, Coordinating, and Transforming Your Cybersecurity Program

By leveraging more than 30 years of energy expertise, ScottMadden has developed an approach to help clients implement cybersecurity programs that target enterprise risks and demonstrate tangible evidence of improving cybersecurity capabilities. This approach engages business stakeholders to answer the following strategic questions:

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Energy Efficiency: The Benefit of Treatment as a Resource in Integrated Resource Plans

October 14, 2015

Energy efficiency (EE) programs are becoming more prevalent in the utility industry as an environmentally friendly option. By helping customers reduce their energy consumption, EE programs can lower utility bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. There are various ways in which EE programs can be implemented, such as offering energy-saving tips, providing energy-efficient products, or funding energy-efficiency upgrades. Many utilities offer EE programs as part of their commitment to environmental sustainability, and some states have even implemented energy efficiency standards that utilities must meet. As EE programs become available, more customers will likely take advantage of them, leading to even greater energy savings. This document explores how EE has become a serious option in long-range resource planning.

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Integration of DER: California and New York

October 2, 2015

EEI Strategic Issues Forum

California and New York are leading the country in integrating Distributed Energy Resources (DER); however, their approaches are different. It’s worth understanding some of the nuances of their respective proceedings and to clarify what they are (and are not) trying to accomplish. Each will provide unique lessons to both utilities and regulators that are attempting to integrate ever-increasing amounts of DER.

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Strange Brew: Adapting to Changing Fundamentals

September 25, 2015

ScottMadden’s Fall 2015 Energy Industry Update Webinar

ScottMadden recently joined forces with Energy Central to present an interactive webinar, “ScottMadden’s Fall 2015 Energy Industry Update – Strange Brew: Adapting to Changing Fundamentals.” This session, moderated by Stuart Pearman, partner and energy practice leader at ScottMadden, was based on ScottMadden’s latest Energy Industry Update, a semi-annual publication featuring our view of recent significant events and emerging trends, received by more than 10,000 industry leaders.

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The Energy Industry Update – Volume 15, Issue 2

September 15, 2015

Video produced by Blueforest Studios (

Strange Brew: Adapting to Changing Fundamentals

The electric industry seems to be on the cusp of great change. Regulators are rethinking the hundred-year-old rate-of-return paradigm, renewables costs are falling (especially for solar photovoltaic technology), and the final rule is out on comprehensive power sector greenhouse gas emissions. Grid transformation
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View from the Executive Suite – Fall 2015

September 15, 2015

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | September 2015

In this section, we look at themes of this issue as well as selected comments from energy and utility company annual reports.

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Sussex Economic Advisors is now part of ScottMadden. We invite you to learn more about our expanded firm. Please use the Contact Us form to request additional information.