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The Energy Landscape: What a Difference a Year Makes!

June 16, 2016

In the fall 2015, falling oil prices were a recent phenomenon and many believed prices would rebound. Today, oil prices have fallen as low as $30/barrel this heating season and some suggest further decline and/or low prices will continue for some time. In the recent past, high oil prices put retail oil dealers on the defensive, seeing many oil consumers switch to natural gas to save money. Today, low oil prices have put retail oil dealers on the offensive, with a renewed focus on pricing, in addition to efficiency, environmental benefits, and service, which were traditional selling points for natural gas.

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Effective Generation Fleet Management

June 9, 2016

A ScottMadden partner joined wind energy thought leaders as a speaker at the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) WINDPOWER 2016 conference where he reviewed the concept of a playbook for effective operation of generating assets.

A Survey of the Generation Landscape

May 12, 2016

ScottMadden joined industry leaders as a sponsor and presenter at Infocast’s 19th Annual Transmission Summit. Here, a partner at ScottMadden, reviewed the generation landscape and the impacts of the Clean Power Plan.

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Charting the Course to Success

May 11, 2016

Plant recoveries are large initiatives that require extensive time, knowledge, skill, and coordination to improve not only plant operations, but also plant culture and the effectiveness of the personnel. Download the report to get a better understanding of the initial questions you may have as you start to think about your nuclear plant recovery effort.

In this edition of the Nuclear Plant Recovery Series, the second article in the six-part series, we answer some of the initial questions you may have as you start to think about your nuclear plant recovery effort.

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Energy Supply, Demand, and Markets – Volume 16 – Issue 1

April 28, 2016

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | Neither Fish Nor Fowl

In this section, we review developments in wholesale power markets and in selected trends in North American power supply, including nuclear power and decentralized generation.

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Clean Tech and Environment – Volume 16 – Issue 1

April 26, 2016

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | Neither Fish Nor Fowl

In this section, we summarize key clean tech developments, such as Clean Power Plan litigation and planning, Congress’ extension of renewables tax incentives, and continued activity in the electric vehicle sector.

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Infrastructure and Technology – Volume 16 – Issue 1

April 26, 2016

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | Neither Fish Nor Fowl

In this section, we review energy and utility companies and how they are accommodating larger penetration of renewable resources (including distributed PV) on their systems as well as the ongoing convergence of information technology and operational technology and how that is affecting cybersecurity efforts.

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Rates and Regulatory Issues – Volume 16 – Issue 1

April 26, 2016

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | Neither Fish Nor Fowl

In this section, we explain how new distributed energy technology, customer preferences, and new participants are impacting utilities and the traditional regulatory compact and how utilities and regulation are adjusting to these changes.

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View from the Executive Suite – Volume 16 – Issue 1

April 26, 2016

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | Neither Fish Nor Fowl

In this section, we provide an overview of emerging themes and trends defining the industry, including consolidation in the energy and utilities sector.

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The Energy Industry Update – Volume 16, Issue 1

April 26, 2016

Neither Fish Nor Fowl

The energy industry is changing, and its regulatory and financial moorings are shifting. Continuing cost declines in distributed resources take place alongside new gas and nuclear plant build. The supply stack is becoming greener, but the Clean Power Plan has been stayed. In our Update, themed “Neither Fish nor Fowl,” we look at the unusual picture drawn by the juxtaposition of these changes.

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The 51st State Initiative

April 19, 2016

Distributed energy resources (DERs) can provide net benefits to the electric system (e.g., congestion relief) and broader society (e.g., emission reductions). However, despite these advantages, the deployment of high penetrations of DER has proved challenging. Against this backdrop, the electric utility is often singled out as a fundamental barrier to deployment of DER assets. To overcome the perceived electric utility shortcomings, many stakeholders conclude that a completely new model is needed for the electric industry.

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Finance Shared Services: Insights and Trends

January 6, 2016

2016 Finance Shared Services Benchmark Study Highlights

ScottMadden and American Productivity & Quality Center (APQC), a benchmarking and best practices research organization, recently joined forces to conduct the second cycle of a unique benchmark study focused exclusively on finance Shared Services Organizations (SSOs).

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Sussex Economic Advisors is now part of ScottMadden. We invite you to learn more about our expanded firm. Please use the Contact Us form to request additional information.