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Distributed Energy Resources Integration: Policy, Technical, and Regulatory Perspectives from New York and California

December 14, 2016

ScottMadden partnered with the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) to develop a report summarizing the different approaches California and New York are taking regarding the integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) in each state. The report, “Distributed Energy Resources Integration: Policy, Technical, and Regulatory Perspectives from New York and California,” is a virtual summary to thousands of pages of regulatory filings in both states in the form of one concise synopsis.

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Contact Center Assessment: Solution Overview and Approach

November 8, 2016

As you know, consumer behavior is evolving and getting more sophisticated. Today, consumers demand customer service options that are timely, efficient, and easy to use. In a 2015 survey*, 92% of consumers surveyed said they would leave a company that did not provide satisfactory customer service. To deliver quality customer service that will retain and grow your customer base, you must adapt to meet ever-changing customer expectations—including developing omni-channel strategies.

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Infrastructure and Technology – Volume 16 – Issue 2

October 27, 2016

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | As Yogi Berra Might Say…

In this section, we look at the growth in microgrids in the United States and energy reforms in Mexico aimed at boosting investment and improving energy infrastructure.

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Rates and Regulatory Issues – Volume 16 – Issue 2

October 27, 2016

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | As Yogi Berra Might Say…

In this section, we look at developments in New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision proceedings and the increasingly blurry line between traditionally clearly defined federal and state jurisdiction in the energy markets.

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View from the Executive Suite – Volume 16 – Issue 2

October 27, 2016

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | As Yogi Berra Might Say…

In this section, we provide an overview of emerging themes and trends defining the industry, including a view of corporate strategies and merger and acquisition activity in the energy and utilities sector.

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The Energy Industry Update – Volume 16, Issue 2

October 27, 2016

As Yogi Berra Might Say…

The energy industry is changing, and its regulatory and financial moorings are shifting. Competitive markets combined with other factors may lead to early nuclear unit retirement. Continuing changes in energy supply and demand patterns create a complex operation environment for electric utilities. Federal and state policy lines are beginning to blur as states have been increasingly intervening in FERC domain seeking favorable outcomes for their citizens and other local constituencies. In our Update, themed “As Yogi Berra Might Say…,” we look at the unusual picture drawn by the juxtaposition of these changes.

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Clean Tech and Environment – Volume 16 – Issue 2

October 27, 2016

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | As Yogi Berra Might Say…

In this section, we summarize key clean tech developments, including Clean Power Plan litigation status and the Smart Electric Power Alliance’s “51st State” efforts at developing a roadmap to a distributed energy resource future.

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DER Integration into Wholesale Markets

September 23, 2016

ScottMadden recently joined energy executives as a presenter at the NYISO Distributed Energy Resource Workshop. The NYISO recently issued a draft roadmap for the integration of distributed energy resources (DER) into the NYISO market. During this stakeholder workshop held on Thursday, September 22 in Albany, NY, the NYISO gathered stakeholder input on this roadmap. At the event, Cristin Lyons, partner and practice leader for Grid Transformation at ScottMadden, provided an overview of the integration of DER into wholesale markets in the United States. This presentation examines DER integration into wholesale markets and the challenges of integrating behind-the-meter resources.

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Leveraging the Natural Advantages of the Electric Utility: A 51st State Roadmap

August 16, 2016

Power Market Outlook – Grid Transformation and the Impact of Distributed Energy Resources

July 27, 2016

As distributed energy resources (DERs) continue to proliferate, utilities are piloting the integration of many different resources and partnering with new entities. These activities have important implications for the manner in which the supply chain procures products and services and the types of contracting relationships that will be needed. Learn more about the changes, impacts to utilities, the continuum of regulatory responses, and what it means for the supply chain in this presentation.

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HR Shared Services Benchmarking Study Highlights

July 18, 2016

ScottMadden has joined forces with American Productivity & Quality Center (APQC), a benchmarking and best practices research organization, to conduct the sixth cycle of the HR Shared Services (HRSS) Benchmarking Study. This study identifies gaps in HR SS benchmarking data specific to service center and center of expertise (CoE) staffing and performance metrics, targeting HRSS organizations with a service center and CoEs. Download highlights of the study here.

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Cybersecurity in Shared Services Organizations

June 21, 2016

The number of cyber attacks against organizations continues to grow in complexity, frequency, and severity. SSOs handle confidential and restricted personal data, making them a target for cyber crimes. Since the SSO is accountable for protecting sensitive corporate and employee information, care must be taken to understand and protect the flow of this sensitive data.

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Sussex Economic Advisors is now part of ScottMadden. We invite you to learn more about our expanded firm. Please use the Contact Us form to request additional information.