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The Energy Industry Update Webcast: It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

May 24, 2017

The Energy Industry Update – Volume 17, Issue 1

May 4, 2017

It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

The energy world, as we know it, is changing. How are utilities responding and adapting? Themed “It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine),” this Update examines the direction and magnitude of some of the changes, and what utilities are doing to prepare for and thrive in a changing world.

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Energy Supply, Demand, and Markets – Volume 17 – Issue 1

May 4, 2017

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

How is the “duck curve” evolving? How is the energy mix changing, driven in part by the competing pressures of market forces and public policy? What approaches should utilities take in hedging their natural gas needs?

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View from the Executive Suite – Volume 17 – Issue 1

May 4, 2017

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

What are the emerging trends and trends defining the energy industry?

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Rate and Regulatory Issues – Volume 17 – Issue 1

May 4, 2017

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

How do grid transformation developments compare in California and New York? What are the potential energy policy changes under the Trump administration? What’s the latest on tax reform proposals and their potential impact on energy companies? What’s driving renewed interest in the time-honored concept of performance-based ratemaking?

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Infrastructure and Technology – Volume 17 – Issue 1

May 4, 2017

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

What’s the latest on North American natural gas pipeline development? Emerging blockchain technology could revolutionize energy transactions. How are cities becoming increasingly “smart” and what does it mean for utilities?

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Clean Tech and Environment – Volume 17 – Issue 1

May 3, 2017

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

Australia is a global leader in distributed solar PV. What can we learn here in the United States from the experience down under? How are solar power purchase agreements (PPAs) evolving to recognize increasing amounts of solar resources on the grid?

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Shared Services & Outsourcing Week North America Digital: Chairman Takeaways

April 27, 2017

Unable to attend the first Shared Services & Outsourcing Week (SSOW) North America Digital event? View this presentation to see the chairman’s key takeaways related to global business services (GBS) strategy, workforce management, attracting and retaining talent, robotic process automation strategy, and process automation.

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Strategic Implications of Declining Growth in Energy Consumption: As Yogi Berra Might Say…

April 12, 2017

During the latest EEI Strategic Issues Roundtable event, Stuart Pearman, partner and energy practice leader at ScottMadden, explored the strategic implications of declining growth in energy consumption. The presentation, “Strategic Implications of Declining Growth in Energy Consumption,” addressed the three key questions: What is happening? What causes it? What can you do about it?

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Strategic Issues and Opportunities Facing the Energy Industry: What Would Yogi Berra Say?

February 21, 2017

ScottMadden recently performed original research employing five years of CAISO data to examine the duck curve and its causes. Our research confirmed that the 2013 duck curve prediction made by CAISO is coming true and faster than expect. But, it also revealed some surprises about what is causing the duck curve and, therefore, how to manage it. The presentation, shared at S&P Global Market Intelligence’s 30th Annual Power and Gas M&A Symposium, focused on a broad range of topics including the “duck curve.”

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Beyond Renewable Integration: The Energy Storage Value Proposition

January 5, 2017

Energy storage is a type of technology that can store energy so that it can be used at a later time. Renewable energy solutions, such as solar or wind power, rely on the intermittency of the sun and wind to generate electricity. Energy storage provides a way to even out the peaks and valleys of electricity demand throughout the day by storing energy when demand is low and releasing it when demand is high. There are different types of energy storage, but one of the most promising is behind-the-meter storage. This type of storage is connected directly to the buildings or homes it serves and can provide energy services to customers while also providing grid services, like balancing energy supply and demand. As energy storage becomes more widespread, it has the potential to improve the power system and reshape the way we approach energy supply.

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Greening the Grid: An Overview of the Greening of the U.S. Generation Fleet

December 19, 2016

The “greening of the grid” is well underway due to trends toward increased use of natural gas, more use of renewable power, and less use of coal-fired power.

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