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Infrastructure Investment in the Gas Industry

November 15, 2010

Gas utility capital investments to increase reliability and replace aging infrastructure have been increasing for five years. This new infrastructure is meant to support expected demand growth and to replace aging systems. But the economy and evolving regulatory landscape present challenges for local distribution companies (LDCs) and others in the gas industry to meet their ambitious infrastructure objectives.

  • What are some gas utilities doing now?
  • What does Wall Street say?
  • What are the implications for gas utilities?

This report addresses these key questions and more.

Solar Photovoltaic Plant Operating and Maintenance Costs

September 21, 2010

The number of grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) systems is expected to increase dramatically over the coming decades.  This increase in the number of PV units leads to an increased focus by utilities and other solar generating firms on achieving the highest level of performance and reliability from the solar asset.  In addition to the typical focus of thinking about up -front costs of a solar plant, determining a plan and
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The Energy Industry Update – Volume 10, Issue 2

August 11, 2010

NERC Compliance and Organization Structure

May 17, 2010

As fines continue to pile up and FERC exercises ever increasing oversight of NERC compliance, utilities are focusing more and more on how best to organize NERC compliance efforts. The manner in which this effort is organized and managed can facilitate or hinder a company’s ability to comply with the reliability standards.  Through work with various utilities on NERC compliance issues, ScottMadden has developed a series of recommendations about how best to organize and manage the NERC compliance function so that it is successful in the long run.

If you are interested in further information on NERC compliance and our capabilities in this area, please contact us.

The Energy Industry Update – Volume 10, Issue 1

January 31, 2010

Looking Beyond Recession

A year into a new presidential administration and the feared collapse of the world financial system, business has regained its footing and the world economy appears to be rebounding. Uncertainty over the pace and durability of recovery, an expanding federal regulatory and legislative agenda, and mixed state regulatory relationship makes the near-term murky, but companies are thinking beyond the current ambiguity to how they can position themselves for a future industry dynamic.

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The Energy Industry Update – Volume 9, Issue 1

July 17, 2009

ScottMadden Energy Industry Update

Despite talk of “green shoots” of economic recovery, the global economy continues to endure a difficult recession and a challenging financial environment. Utilities, however, have weathered this downturn with some resilience and have been more favorably positioned than other sectors.

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Managing Through Uncertain Times

December 1, 2008

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update

With the meltdown of the credit markets and the deepening of worldwide recession, energy and utility companies are tightening their belts and contemplating how to position for future opportunities. The drumbeat of sustainable management, energy efficiency, and carbon constraint continues to exert force on the energy and utilities sectors, requiring the development of new strategies and measures, even in uncertain economic times. In this issue of ScottMadden’s Energy Industry Update (EIU), we look at these developments.

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Electric Utilities: Navigating the Water Crisis

August 1, 2008

The drought in the Southeast United States has continued through 2008 with little relief, leaving power generation providers facing increased curtailment and availability risks due to water withdrawal restrictions. With limited technical mitigation options and little relief in the weather for the foreseeable future, other solutions must be developed to ensure continued availability of key generation resources.

Water availability has become a stealth environmental issue that threatens significant consequences for the unprepared.  Meeting the challenge will require a focused and comprehensive plan of action.

The Energy Industry Update – Volume 8, Issue 1

June 1, 2008

ScottMadden’s Energy Industry Update

The Energy Industry Update is a compendium of breaking news, emerging issues, and recent developments in the energy industry.

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The Energy Industry Update – Volume 7, Issue 2

December 1, 2007

The Energy Industry Update is a compendium of breaking news, emerging issues, and recent developments in the energy industry.

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The Energy Industry Update – Volume 7, Issue 1

June 1, 2007

The Energy Industry Update – Volume 6, Issue 2

December 1, 2006

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