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Next Generation Shared Services Centers

April 1, 2013

ScottMadden recently partnered with APQC for a complimentary three-part webinar series focused on shared services.

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The Energy Industry Update – Volume 13, Issue 1

February 1, 2013

View from the Executive Suite – Winter 2012-2013

February 1, 2013

The November 2012 election results, a mixed economic outlook, low energy demand growth, and less bullish views of the utility sector weigh on decision making in the executive suite of energy and utility companies. Read more below.

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The Network – Winter 2012-2013

February 1, 2013

Storms have tested the grid and rate recovery of storm recovery costs has become contentious, while allowed equity returns continue their downward trend. Meanwhile, new infrastructure concerns are emerging as the power and gas industries become increasingly intertwined. Read more below.

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Fossil Benchmarking Analysis

December 11, 2012

With ever increasing performance pressures on fossil units, operators will be required to do more with less. In the face of these challenges and myriad others, benchmarking is a critically important tool. This report outlines ScottMadden’s approach to fossil fleet benchmarking, which provides operators with the analytics needed to succeed. 

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ScottMadden Insight: Generation Trends – What Are the Impacts on Transmission?

October 29, 2012

Infocast’s Transmission Summit West Executive Forum

A partner at ScottMadden, presented “Generation Trends – What Are the Impacts on Transmission?” at the fourth annual Transmission Summit West. This presentation focused on how natural gas prices, carbon legislation, and renewable generation sources will drive the need for transmission infrastructure investment.

The Energy Industry Update – American Gas Association Executive Conference Special Edition

October 22, 2012

Creating IT Value: A Better Way to Make IT Investment Decisions

August 28, 2012

An Alternative to IT Business Cases

All IT organizations are resource constrained—demand exceeds supply. Organizations need criteria to decide which projects warrant allocation of high-value constrained resources. This is the second in a series on maximizing IT investment value.

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Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Overview – Trends and Implications

July 10, 2012

Several issues have increased interest in developing vehicles fueled by natural gas. NGVs are expected to provide some key benefits, including greater energy independence and lower fuel costs. While the outlook for this industry is promising, there are significant hurdles that could impact NGV development. This report provides insight on NGVs and implications for the natural gas industry.

View from the Executive Suite – Spring 2012

May 30, 2012

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update

Investment analysts have generally positive outlooks on electric and combination utilities, although they seem to lag gas utilities and slightly trail the broader equities market. Despite this, utility companies are increasing investment in generation (either new facilities or retrofits) and the grid, and evaluating potential acquisitions, combinations, and infrastructure investments that can enhance their balance sheets. Read more below.

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