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Transmission Development – Key Issues to Watch

October 18, 2013

ScottMadden’s Cristin Lyons joined SNL in 2013 to provide an interactive webinar focused on transmission development. The webinar addressed the key industry trends impacting transmission development, FERC Order 1000 and the impacts of the removal of the right of first refusal for transmission developers.

The Energy Industry Update – Volume 13, Issue 2

October 1, 2013

Infrastructure – Early Fall 2013

October 1, 2013

In the wake of Superstorm Sandy and increasing threats of cyber events, the energy industry examines ways to increase grid resilience. Read more below.

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Rates, Regulation, and Policy – Early Fall 2013

October 1, 2013

Regulatory policy continues to shape both gas and power industries. President Obama’s new Energy Secretary brings some new policy priorities, as issues surrounding LNG exports raise opportunity and concern. Meanwhile, NERC continues to examine operational issues of gas-dependent power markets. And with a new administrator, EPA presses on with a number of major power sector regulations. Read more below.

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View from the Executive Suite – Early Fall 2013

October 1, 2013

Energy and utility companies are investing in infrastructure as well as pursuing, especially in the midstream gas sector, acquisitions. At the same time, utilities are contemplating how best to position themselves strategically as the confluence of technology advances, energy prices, policy support, and customer preferences may dictate changes to the traditional utility model. Read more below.

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Clean Tech – Early Fall 2013

October 1, 2013

Solar photovoltaic systems continue to move down the cost curve, increasing market penetration and raising questions with utilities of how best to manage that penetration.  Meanwhile, renewable policies withstand challenges in a number of states. Read more below.

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Positioning Digital Innovation Within the Enterprise

August 12, 2013

CIOs are often charged with driving innovation within the enterprise. But what if business units are not interested in innovating? IT leaders cannot compel business leadership to innovate in an environment where the status quo appears acceptable. This report provides examples of successful innovation and discusses how IT organizations can engage business leaders in digital innovation efforts.

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HR Shared Services Benchmarking – Results, Trends, and Key Metrics

June 28, 2013

APQC Webinar Series

ScottMadden recently partnered with APQC for a complimentary three-part webinar series focused on shared services.

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Pricing: Past, Present, and Future

April 8, 2013

In 2013, ScottMadden sponsored and presented at the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Strategic Issues Roundtable.

As the electric power industry faces declining demand and more stringent regulations, addresses the need for increased capital investments, and considers technology enhancements to enable broader customer choices, what can/should we think about for the future? During this event, ScottMadden, discussed how to navigate the spaces between investors, customers, and regulators and brainstorms some future options. Access the full presentation for more.

Combined Cycles

April 2, 2013

Middle-Age Myths

Combined cycle plants may have fewer moving parts than coal plants, but that does not mean that their operations are any easier to analyze. Relatively limited operating experience and sparse data allow beliefs to take root—some well-founded and others less so. This report takes a quick look at three such beliefs and offers some tantalizing, although preliminary, observations on these questions:

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The Fundamentals of Designing, Building, & Implementing a Service Delivery Center

April 1, 2013

APQC Webinar Series

ScottMadden recently partnered with APQC for a complimentary three-part webinar series focused on shared services.

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