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Gaining Insight from Predictive Analytics

March 17, 2014

ScottMadden recently joined forces with APQC to present a complimentary webinar, “Gaining Insight through Predictive Analytics.” From trends in analytics to strategies for standing up an analytics function, this 60-minute session, presented by Tina Krebs and Scott Manning, partners at ScottMadden, provides guidance on how organizations can leverage analytics.

Gas Utility Infrastructure Investments

February 19, 2014

Overview and Recent Developments

Gas utilities are mainstay in energy supply, and their operations continue to be of vital importance across multiple sectors. In today’s shifting energy landscape, managing utilities has become increasingly complex as gas utility companies strive to meet customer demands with infrastructure investments.

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Innovative Ratemaking – Multiyear Rate Plans

February 18, 2014

We believe the use of MYRPs will continue to grow as utilities and commissions work to overcome the limitations of traditional ratemaking in order to balance the needs of the ratepayers and shareholders with the realities of operating and maintaining a safe, reliable, and sustainable power delivery system.

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Improving Productivity

February 18, 2014

Focusing the organization’s resources on the right things and doing those things the right way

Electric and gas companies continue to be faced with: attrition or slow growth, at best, volatile commodity prices, uncertain demand, shrinking margins, and continued competition from evolving technologies.

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Energy Supply, Demand, and Markets – Winter 2013-2014

January 22, 2014

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | January 2014

The combination of increasing environmental regulations, renewable energy policy and technology advances, and continued production of cheap natural gas from unconventional North American resources is shifting the capacity and energy mix in the United States and Canada. Industry observers are trying to gauge how quickly we can make this transition and what the implications are for energy infrastructure adequacy, reliability, and economics, from gas pipeline capacity to power generation to the electric grid. Read more below.

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Managing the Energy and Utility Enterprise – Winter 2013-2014

January 22, 2014

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | January 2014

The distributed generation market, particularly solar, continues to grow, and solar developers are employing different models to promote that expansion. Utilities, meanwhile, are re-examining their own business models and regulatory paradigms to determine whether and how to accommodate distributed generation or participate in this market. Read more below.

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Rates, Regulation, and Policy – Winter 2013-2014

January 22, 2014

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | January 2014

Distributed generation, net metering, and other potential sources of utility revenue reduction and disintermediation in the energy value chain are expanding. Meanwhile, utilities must continue to maintain grid reliability and reasonable rates for all customers. To accomplish this, utilities and their regulators are considering changes to the traditional regulatory construct and rate design to get this balance right. Read more below.

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View from the Executive Suite – Winter 2013-2014

January 22, 2014

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | January 2014

A long-term decline in electricity consumption, growth advances in energy efficiency, monitoring, and control technologies, and the surprisingly rapid growth of rooftop solar and other renewable generation are challenging the traditional volume-based utility revenue model. Utilities are formulating strategies in response to this changing business environment, examining growth drivers (such as acquisitions), and trying to glean lessons from other countries and regions that are rapidly transitioning to renewable energy sources. Read more below.

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The Energy Industry Update – Volume 14, Issue 1

January 21, 2014

Finance Technologies: Buy or Rent

January 21, 2014

The internet has enabled different delivery models for business software, such as Software as a Service (SaaS). The emergence of this model has led to an important decision for many companies: whether to “buy” on-premise software or “rent” their technologies through a SaaS vendor. This report provides an overview of SaaS for finance.

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Light or Heat

January 16, 2014

ISO New England Generation Mix

This report examines ISO New England’s recent decisions to shift its generation portfolio toward more renewable generation sources. This move places new expectations on simple and combined cycle generation and the natural gas pipelines that serve those plants, especially in the winter months when a “dual peak” often occurs. So, how is ISO New England stacking up so far?

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Confirming Compliance – Do You Have Proper Oversight of Your Contractors?

January 13, 2014

It is our view that establishing a governance model for NERC compliance is key to mitigate violations found by auditors and avoid costly fines. Asset owners must provide governance and oversight. We see well-defined compliance processes and open communication with outsourced providers as critical to success.

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