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Conducting a Business Simulation

October 16, 2014

The Final Implementation Step

Would you fly on a plane with a pilot who had never flown before? Would you trust critical business systems and processes to teams managing them for the first time? Just as pilots spend months training on flight simulators before taking control of the real thing, simulating critical business systems and processes can greatly reduce risk before “go-live.” ScottMadden has leveraged decades of experience conducting business simulations for our clients to create a business simulation service offering to effectively train new teams and managers. With our know-how, tools, best practices, and thousands of example scenarios, we can reduce the risk, overall cost, and increase stakeholder satisfaction of your new business system or process rollout.

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How Renewables and Distributed Resources Have Impacted Transmission in Germany

October 7, 2014

ScottMadden recently joined the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) to lead a group of approximately 30 U.S. energy industry executives to the bellwether energy market of Germany to exchange information with electricity and solar market leaders who are adapting to change in this dynamic and controversial environment. This select group of executives met with energy industry peers with the goal of returning with insights and practical knowledge that can be applied to planning and business decisions in the United States. The trip featured face-to-face meetings with thought leaders and decision makers from the electric utility, transmission, and renewable energy industries; government, trade, and industry associations; and market experts.

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Overview of Utility Challenges and Responses to Distributed Solar Energy

August 28, 2014

Utility planning is changing with the rapid growth of distributed solar in certain markets. Over the long term, market fundamentals favor the continued growth of distributed solar energy. This will access business and operational challenges for utilities. This insight outlines strategies utilities can deploy to successfully incorporate distributed solar energy into their business model or generation portfolio.

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State of the Energy Industry: A Mid-Year Review

August 25, 2014

(or “I Feel the Earth Move under My Feet” – with apologies to Carole King)

Get The Latest Edition of the Energy Industry Update

ScottMadden recently joined forces with Energy Central to present an interactive webinar, “State of the Energy Industry: A Mid-Year Review.” This session, moderated by Stuart Pearman, partner and energy practice leader at ScottMadden, was based on Continue reading

Rates, Regulation, and Policy – August 2014

August 21, 2014

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | August 2014

Just when you thought policy and regulation had begun to settle down, major changes are afoot—or at least proposed. Rules for organized power markets continue to be tweaked as is the LNG export application process. More fundamental changes have been proposed at the federal level, in the form of CO2 emissions regulation, and in at least one state (New York), which is looking at fundamentally changing the role of the local distribution utility. Read more below.

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Energy Supply, Demand, and Markets – August 2014

August 21, 2014

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | August 2014

Eventually, a tectonic shift causes change. A shifting generation mix—triggered by stricter environmental regimes (proposed and in effect) and continued cheap shale gas—is impending, with significant changes in the U.S. generation fleet expected in the next one to two years. Renewable and nuclear development continues, although some development is impacted by stop-go policy incentives. Meanwhile, gas infrastructure is under pressure to keep up as it becomes the power generation incremental fuel of choice. Read more below.

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Managing the Energy and Utility Enterprise – August 2014

August 21, 2014

The ScottMadden Energy Industry Update | August 2014

Before last winter, few had heard of a polar vortex. But extreme weather events like last winter’s freeze harkened back to cold-weather events in the Southwest in 2011 and whether those lessons learned have been internalized by policymakers and the energy industry. Meanwhile, the western drought reminds us of how closely water and energy production are linked. Also, renewable energy in utility settings is growing up, or at least a maturity model can be articulated. Read more below.

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The Energy Industry Update – Volume 14, Issue 2

August 20, 2014

Coal’s Twilight Gets Expensive

July 24, 2014

With all the discussion about the death of “king coal,” retirements, and fuel switching, ScottMadden sought to address these key questions: 1. the overall trend for non-fuel costs for coal plants, 2. regional differences in non-fuel O&M costs, and 3. units slated for retirement (do they have a different non-fuel O&M trend than those planned to continue running?). Learn more in this report.

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Survey: Distributed Generation – What’s on the Horizon?

April 25, 2014

ScottMadden recently conducted a survey on distributed resources. We surveyed utility professionals to learn about their perspective on distributed generation. Survey participants were asked to share their sentiment in three key areas:

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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Distributed Resources

April 2, 2014

ScottMadden recently sponsored and presented at Edison Electric Institute’s (EEI) Strategic Issues Roundtable in Charleston, South Carolina. At this event, Stuart Pearman, partner and energy practice leader at ScottMadden, led a discussion on “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Distributed Resources,” examining the drivers and implications of business model changes due to distributed generation.

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Changing Resources and Implications for Transmission

March 17, 2014

Transmission Summit 2014

Changes to the generation portfolio, the introduction of significant renewable resources, and the deployment of customer-side resources are fundamentally changing the way electricity is produced and delivered to customers. These changes are having a significant impact on the developments and operation of the transmission system and are occurring in an environment of decreasing demand growth which impacts utility revenues and puts pressure on rates. This Continue reading

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