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Case Study

Racing to Net-Zero

June 24, 2022


Our client, a mid-sized vertically integrated electric utility, announced one of the most aggressive net-zero carbon emissions goals in the United States. The company embarked on a long-term resource planning effort to meet this goal while maintaining reliability and affordability. The client faced several common challenges in this effort, including the consideration of a multitude of options, technology readiness, context and suitability for their territory, and the absence of a regulatory mandate that would require them to pursue lowcarbon options. ScottMadden was engaged to facilitate a long-term resource strategy that could meet ambitious decarbonization goals while maintaining (or improving upon) today’s levels of reliability.

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Identifying Best Practices and Efficiencies for LDCs

June 21, 2022

The continual advancement of technology in The Utility Industry has complicated operations for natural gas local distributions companies (LDCs). Stakeholders- including corporate managers, regulators, and customers- have placed ever-higher expectations on LDCs to provide reliable service while adhering to increasingly stringent requirements. In light of this challenge, many utility organizations are seeking best practices that can help increase standardization across their organization. This case history examines a multiphased implementation strategy by a prominent U.S. – based energy company.

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Catalyzing Change Within a Large Private University

May 13, 2022


A leading private research university was navigating its journey to futurize its HR function, which consisted of more than 120 employees, streamline work, ensure compliance, and better support the university. Throughout the HR organization, a lack of understanding, trust, and alignment, coupled with the global pandemic, stumped the project team’s ability to implement change successfully. ScottMadden was engaged as a change management partner to help create a shared level of understanding and build trust among the HR department.

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Pay Equity Analytics

March 23, 2022


A midsize healthcare organization was experiencing employee dissatisfaction around perceived pay inequities. The company wanted to understand if compensation gaps existed across demographics, positions, departments, etc. and revise compensation policies to create a standardized approach. With the help of ScottMadden, the HR group was able to develop explanatory compensation models for key positions, identify specific pay gaps, define a standard approach to compensation, and apply the new standards and statistical models to address this sensitive issue.

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Talent Acquisition Challenges: Leveraging AI Technology

December 28, 2021

The Challenge

For organizations with high-volume hiring needs, finding, assessing, and acquiring talent can be the biggest challenge they face. Having an outdated talent acquisition infrastructure only amplifies these pain points for recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates. Coupled with the competitive labor market and demanding hiring goals, it is increasingly important to meet candidates on their mobile devices, reduce barriers to applying, and increase the
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EV Transformation Initiative Design and Implementation

October 12, 2021


To support its clean energy goals, ScottMadden’s client, a large federal power authority, identified the need to drive customer adoption of 200,000 electric vehicles (EVs) within its seven-state service territory over a seven year timeframe. ScottMadden assisted the client with the development of an EV-transformation initiative and EV strategy, which ultimately led to the development of a multi-state DC fast-charging (DCFC) network.

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Make-Ready Program Design

October 4, 2021


Our client, a large investor-owned utility, was charged with implementing a $300M make-ready infrastructure program in support of state decarbonization and transportation electrification goals. Due to the program’s size and complexity, successfully developing and executing this program was going to require significant amounts of planning and cross-functional stakeholder alignment. As a result, our client reached out to us for support in providing regulatory strategy, program design, and implementation support.

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Project Management Assessment for a T&D Utility

September 2, 2021


A large transmission and distribution utility was seeking to improve the consistency of project cost and schedule for a capital project delivery to ensure it was eligible for a bi-annual rate case cost recovery.

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Driving Success with HR Competency Assessments

August 11, 2021

How Competency Data Helped a Healthcare System Enhance Transformation

Given a constantly changing healthcare landscape and extreme demand, business leaders are looking to human resources (HR) to support the organization in new and innovative ways. Identification of the competencies needed to enable an HR team of the future and place the right people in the right roles to better support the organization has never been more critical.

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Coal’s Accelerated Burn

July 28, 2021

Stakeholder Analysis Case Study For a Coal Plant Retirement


As coal-fired power plants represent a significant share of North American carbon emissions, shifting away from coal and other carbon-intensive fuels towards cleaner energy sources has become an urgent goal. Many utilities have committed to closing coal plants and replacing them with renewable energy sources. Coal plant retirements have increased in North America, aligning with Utility Industry efforts to pursue clean energy goals. As utilities develop their long-term asset strategies, they must consider not only the financial implications of retiring coal plants, but the human element as well.

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Enhancing Electric Utility Strategic Planning Using Enterprise-Wide Performance Benchmarking

June 10, 2021


A major integrated electric utility embarked on a strategic planning exercise to take a fresh look at operational benchmark metrics and industry peers. The leadership team retained ScottMadden as an independent advisor to conduct the analysis to ensure it would be fair, objective, and defensible to its board of directors and regulators.

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Preparing Enterprise Finance to Support Strategic Plans in Higher Education

April 30, 2021

Elevating and Strengthening the Role of Enterprise-wide Finance for a Top Private Research University


With the changing environment in higher education and healthcare, this top-20 private research university was facing a situation common to many higher education institutions—ensuring operations are optimized to support the university’s mission and long-term strategic plan. As such, leaders undertook a full review of its finance function to ensure the appropriate structure, processes, and people were in place to safeguard and to optimally position the resources of the university, with a goal to better enable its mission.

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