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Ethically Deploying People Analytics

June 11, 2020

HR professionals hold the “keys to the kingdom” when it comes to employee data and must always keep in mind the saying, “with great power comes great responsibility.” People analytics, as defined in our article, “Demystifying People Analytics,” is the practice of turning disparate employee data into insights that drive business decisions. Successful and sustainable people analytics organizations are built on instilling trust and proving value for the organization as a whole, as well as for individual employees.

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Higher Education Strategies and Tactics for Long-Term Success

June 10, 2020

Strategies and Tactics for Long-Term Success: Q&A with Courtney Jackson and Betsy Curry

In this follow-up to our workshop presented at the Shared Services and Outsourcing Network’s digital Shared Services in Higher Education conference, experts Courtney Jackson and Betsy Curry go deeper with insights, tips, and recommendations on how to lean into the shared services journey.

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Using Virtual Agents to Streamline Supply Chain and Finance Management

June 3, 2020


The advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), combined with the tremendous popularity of messaging apps, have increased the use of virtual agents (VAs) as conversational tools in back-office functions. VAs are an important component of the digital transformation of supply chain and finance as they automate services and improve the accuracy of information exchange with internal and external customers.

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How HR Can Leverage the Employee Life Cycle When Needs Suddenly Change

May 22, 2020

COVID-19 has been an unprecedented challenge in the modern business world that has upended the normal course of business globally. Actions taken to combat the virus on a global level, including social distancing, vaccination and mask mandates, and idling of major facets of the economy, have disrupted the typical flow of everyday life and work for people around the world.

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Opportunities and Benefits of the Western Energy Imbalance Market as Options Continue to Grow

April 30, 2020

For several years, an energy imbalance market (EIM) has been in place in the western United States. Driven by changes in California’s generation mix and renewable portfolio standard, as well as greenhouse gas reduction targets, the Western EIM has become an attractive service for market participants. The California Independent System Operator (CAISO) designed this new market where non-ISO members could participate and share renewable energy, as well as integrate more renewable energy into the region.

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Employee Spotlight: Paul Quinlan

April 30, 2020

Paul Quinlan

Clean tech manager, Paul Quinlan, joined ScottMadden’s research team in 2013. In this role, Paul supports the energy practice through market research and client work. He also serves as co-lead of ScottMadden’s grid edge community of practice and board member of the Southeastern Wind Coalition, a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of the wind industry within the Southeast. Through previous experiences with the North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association and Clean Energy Durham, Paul brings environmental and sustainable energy expertise to our firm. He holds a B.S. in environmental science and anthropology from Notre Dame University and a Master of Public Policy and a Master of Environmental Management from Duke University.

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The Continued Decline of Carbon-Free Generation in the United States and Implications for the Energy Future

April 29, 2020

While renewable energy has experienced significant growth, in part due to focused policies that promote wind and solar, nuclear has faced a wave of actual and announced early retirements. To understand this potential loss of a significant amount of carbon-free generation, ScottMadden assessed “at risk” nuclear assets to better understand the magnitude of the potential impact on carbon emissions from the U.S. electricity sector.

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The Use of Scenario Planning to Develop Workforce Strategies following COVID-19

April 28, 2020

Workforce safety and productivity challenges. The need for frequent, transparent, and consistent communications. New leadership requirements, including management of remote teams. New compliance requirements triggered by the Family First Coronavirus Response Act. The pandemic has created unprecedented business challenges that arose at a pace that few anticipated. Even those with detailed business continuity plans found that the nature of this event (e.g., shelter-in-place orders, uncertainty of duration, immediate impacts to commercial and industrial client work) stretched plans beyond their design.

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New York Proposes “Make-Ready Program” To Spark Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Investment

April 21, 2020

COVID-19 Response – What You Should be Thinking About: Regulatory Strategy and Cost Recovery

April 15, 2020

We will get past this at some point. When exactly is still unknown and likely to vary by region, state, or metropolitan area. Another key unknown is this: What aspects of the utility business model will resemble what we remember and what aspects will have changed for the foreseeable future?

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The Healthcare Battle: Increasing Staffing Agility to Respond to Fluctuating Needs in Healthcare

April 10, 2020

Extreme demand, growing workforce shortages, and a constantly changing healthcare landscape make it imperative for healthcare leaders to embrace the workforce of the future and to develop scalable staffing and deployment solutions. Establishing or amplifying your contingency labor program is imperative to avoid any missteps that dramatically impact emergent patient care and can prevent you from excelling in a normal state of operations.

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Lessons Learned from Hawaii: Bold Visions Require New Paradigms

April 1, 2020

April 2020 Edition of Public Utilities Fortnightly Magazine

ScottMadden recently joined the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) in a fact-finding mission to the Aloha State—Hawaii—to uncover how the state hopes to achieve its ambitious goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045. In particular, the mission explored the impact of increasing renewable energy penetrations as well as regulatory and customer engagement strategies in Hawaii.

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Sussex Economic Advisors is now part of ScottMadden. We invite you to learn more about our expanded firm. Please use the Contact Us form to request additional information.