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Employee Spotlight: Ryan Arrieta

November 3, 2022

Ryan Arrieta

Ryan Arrieta, a director within ScottMadden’s energy practice, is a boomerang employee. He initially joined the firm in 2012, predominantly serving energy clients within corporate and shared services. Ryan then stepped away to serve as vice president of strategic and corporate planning at Puerto Rico Aqueduct & Sewer Authority for four years. Today, he is an active member and leader of the transmission and distribution community of practice, and he is also involved in our recruiting efforts, attending the National Black M.B.A. Conference each year. Ryan holds a B.S. and M.S. in civil engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and an M.B.A. from the University of North Carolina.

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Employee Spotlight: Moliehi Mokoroane

September 2, 2022

Moliehi Mokoroane

Moliehi Mokoroane, a senior analyst in the Atlanta office, joined ScottMadden in 2018. Since then, she has primarily served energy clients within the corporate and shared services space. Holding a degree in industrial engineering from Kennesaw State University, Moliehi specializes in supply chain and warehousing and is an active member of ScottMadden’s supply chain community of practice. She is also a member of the diversity & inclusion committee, assisting with and participating in many of our D&I recruitment events.

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Business Assessments: What Are They, and What Are the Benefits?

August 10, 2022

Assessments can be incredibly valuable tools for organizations of all sizes. A comprehensive assessment methodology can help you evaluate your organization across multiple dimensions. But what are business assessments, what do they entail, and what are the benefits?

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What is the Difference Between BPO and Shared Services?

August 3, 2022

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Shared Services both work to remove manual, operational, and repetitive tasks from the organization’s workflow. But are there differences between BPO and Shared Services? And, if so, what are they?

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What are Shared Services?

July 27, 2022

Shared services are when a business consolidates its support functions to better serve the corporation and its business units, operating as a business within a business, utilizing a well-defined infrastructure to enable higher value service delivery. Typically, this includes services such as human resources, finance and accounting, information technology, supply chain, and other front and back-office services.

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What is NERC CIP Compliance and Why is it Important?

July 20, 2022

The Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Standards are a set of mandatory requirements for owners and operators of electric utilities to protect bulk electric systems from physical and cyber threats. The standards were developed by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), an international regulatory authority. 

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The Shared Services Journey: Automation

July 13, 2022

What is Change Management? Benefits, Types, and Challenges

July 13, 2022

In business, change is constant. Organizations must continually adapt to survive in today’s competitive market. No matter what business you’re in, your organization is likely going through some sort of change – whether it’s a change in leadership, a change in direction, or a change in product offerings. And when change happens, it can be tough to manage. That’s where change management comes in.

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ScottMadden’s Digital Transformation Services

July 7, 2022

Digital transformation and advanced analytics are changing the way our clients do business. Since our inception in 1983, ScottMadden has been advising our clients on ways to leverage technology to deliver efficient processes and services to internal customers. We provide digital transformation and advanced analytics services across geographies and industries, including aerospace, consumer products, defense, higher education, energy, entertainment, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, retail, technology, telecommunications, transportation, and others. Whether we are designing a proof of concept or implementing a broader digital strategy, we ensure our clients achieve the business value desired.

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5 Steps to a More Resilient Supply Chain for Utilities

July 6, 2022

As the world becomes increasingly digitized, the demand for reliable and resilient utilities is higher than ever before. Outages can have a major impact on both businesses and consumers, so utilities must have a robust supply chain that can withstand disruptions.

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Employee Spotlight: Kathy Betty

June 30, 2022

Kathy Betty

In celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, ScottMadden is honored to feature Kathy Betty—ScottMadden’s first female partner and first female board member. Learn more about Kathy’s trailblazing ways below!

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What’s Next for HR Shared Services?

June 13, 2022

For more than 10 years, ScottMadden and APQC have gathered benchmarks and trends specific to HR Shared Services through a custom benchmarking study focused exclusively on the shared services delivery model.

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Sussex Economic Advisors is now part of ScottMadden. We invite you to learn more about our expanded firm. Please use the Contact Us form to request additional information.