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Tracking SunShot Initiative Progress: Utility-Scale Prices Falling Faster Than Residential Solar

December 16, 2015

A primary objective of U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative is to reduce the price of solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies by approximately 75% from between 2010 and 2020. With 2020 target just over the horizon, ScottMadden reviewed progress in solar PV price reductions to date. The analysis shows the prices of utility-scale solar PV systems in the United States have fallen more sharply than residential solar system prices from 2010 to 2015. A primary reason for the difference is declining module costs have had a greater impact on utility-scale system prices given their larger share of total project costs. Consequently, utility-scale systems can offer electric utilities economic and operational advantages over residential systems.

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Community Solar: Answers to Questions You Were Afraid to Ask

December 16, 2015

Community solar is a rapidly emerging model that combines the value of direct customer “ownership” of rooftop solar with the flexibility and economic advantages of utility-scale solar. Development of a community solar program by an electric utility is not simple and requires a coordinated approach to successfully enter the market.

The first portion of this article provides a definition of community solar, overview of the community solar market, overview of advantages community solar, and outline of community solar models. The second portion of this article uses question and answer format to discuss community solar implementation issues. Questions focus on program design, customer motivations, and financial implications.

Additional Contributing Authors: John Sterling
Public Utilities Fortnightly – December 2015 Magazine

Top Challenges Facing the Natural Gas Industry Today

December 15, 2015

The 2015 Platts Appalachian Oil and Gas Conference offered tremendous insight into the key challenges facing the natural gas industry today. The major presentation categories can be summed up in three categories: economic environment, infrastructure challenges, and markets for production.

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How will NY REV Impact Energy Storage?

October 14, 2015

Are you wondering how New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision (NY REV) proceedings will impact the market for energy storage? ScottMadden moderated a panel on the “Role of Energy Storage in the NY Market” at the Infocast NY REV conference July 28-29, 2015, in New York City. Although NY REV continues to evolve, panelists felt strongly that storage will play a key role in the New York market due to its various applications and value streams. This paper highlights some of the key learnings of this panel and contrasts the NY REV regulatory approach to storage with that of other states.

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Best Practices In Integrated Resource Planning

October 14, 2015

Overcoming Challenges of the New Paradigm in Integrated Resource Planning

Integrated Resource Planning, or IRP, can be thought of as planning to meet users’ needs for electricity services in a way that satisfies multiple resource-use objectives. The objectives of IRP can include, for example, development, households, and businesses access to electricity services, supply reliability, minimizing delivery costs and environmental impact, and enhancing energy security.

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Meeting the Challenges of the Power Grid of the Future

October 7, 2015

In 2015, Inside Supply Management Magazine interviewed Andy Flores, partner and corporate practice leader at ScottMadden, about meeting the challenges of the power grid of the future. In the article, “Powering Up Their Game,” Mr. Flores discusses the role of supply chain management practitioners, reviews areas where improvement is likely to provide a positive return for companies — category management, inventory optimization, continuous improvement, and cross-functional team leadership and coordination — and provides an overview of future trends including implications related to coal unit shutdowns and FERC Order 1000.

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Cybersecurity in the Energy Industry

October 1, 2015

Cybersecurity in the Energy Industry Companies Lack Confidence Despite Improvement

Bradley Kramer, managing editor at North American Oil & Gas Pipelines, recently conducted an interview with Jon Kerner, partner and information technology practice leader in ScottMadden. This article discusses cybersecurity in the energy industry.

For additional information about North American Oil & Gas Pipelines or to view the full article, please visit

Author: Bradley Kramer – North American Oil and Gas Pipelines

Energy Practice: ScottMadden Knows Energy – Fall 2015

September 14, 2015

About ScottMadden:

Since 1983, we have been energy consultants. We have served more than 300 clients, including 20 of the top 20 energy utilities. We have performed more than 2,400 projects across every energy utility business unit and every function. We have helped our clients develop strategies, improve operations, reorganize companies, and implement initiatives. Our broad and deep energy utility expertise is not theoretical—it is experience based. Part of knowing where to go is understanding where you are. Before we begin any project, we listen to our client, understand their situation, and then personalize our work to help them succeed. Our clients trust us with their most important challenges. They know that, chances are, we have seen and solved a problem similar to theirs. They know we will do what we say we will do, with integrity and tenacity, and we will produce real results.

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Impacts of Distributed Energy Resources on T&D Organizations

August 4, 2015

As a leader of your transmission and distribution (T&D) organization within vertically integrated or “wires-only” utilities, you face sweeping change. Pressing challenges, such as decreasing load, increasing distributed energy resources, aging infrastructure, market and regulatory changes, an advancing Smart Grid, and FERC Order 1000, present disruption to utilities.

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10 Key Findings: Trends in Global Business Services

June 23, 2015

As trends have shifted in global business services (GBS) and global shared services (SS) operations, there has been a gap in benchmarking data for more progressive initiatives such as service expansion to global regions, use of analytics, communication channels for the millennium generation, and end-to-end process ownership. In order to gather this type of information, ScottMadden joined forces with the American Productivity & Quality Center (APQC) to conduct a global benchmarking study of Finance SSOs that provides organizations with benchmark comparisons based on leading trends, maturity, and globalization. The following summarizes the insights and key findings from the results of the survey.

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An Iterative Approach – Predictive Analytics in HR

June 12, 2015

On the journey to value creation in the HR analytics space, organizations have to move past the historically focused reporting activities and begin to conduct more creative and predictive analyses.

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Predictive Analytics: Building the Infrastructure

June 12, 2015

As companies are beginning to turn their focus from reporting on historical performance to predicting what should happen, organizations are being created whose sole purpose is to run HR analytical analyses. However, companies struggle with how many resources to put in the organization, what types of resources are needed to ensure success, and the scope of services the organization should provide. In order to recruit the right resources that can navigate the different channels in the enterprise and cultivate collaboration, the analytics group needs to have a clear definition and message of what it is and what it is trying to accomplish.

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