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Frequent Performance Coaching Sessions Increase Employee Engagement

August 28, 2017

Welcome to “Summertime…and Improving Productivity Is Easy: Eight Ways to Increase Employee Engagement,” a ScottMadden eight-part series. Based on a recent Gallup study,[1] we know that approximately 70% of employees are not engaged at work, resulting in lower job performance and loss of time and money for the organization. Over the next eight weeks, we’ll provide insights on how employee engagement impacts your business outcomes, as well as tangible examples of how you can increase engagement among your employees. Click here to see the complete series.

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Well-Networked Employees Are Engaged Employees

August 28, 2017

Welcome to “Summertime…and Improving Productivity Is Easy: Eight Ways to Increase Employee Engagement,” a ScottMadden eight-part series. Based on a recent Gallup study,[1] we know that approximately 70% of employees are not engaged at work, resulting in lower job performance and loss of time and money for the organization. Over the next eight weeks, we’ll provide insights on how employee engagement impacts your business outcomes as well, as tangible examples of how you can increase engagement among your employees. Click here to see the complete series.

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Employee Engagement Series

August 8, 2017

51st State Perspectives: DERs Are Coming and Illinois is Ready for Them

June 20, 2017

Illinois has laid an excellent foundation that positions it well for modernization of the grid and increasing penetrations of DERs and renewables. When DERs arrive at scale, the state will be ready. Read this report for an overview of Illinois’ technology investments and policy framework, a 51st State assessment of Illinois’ grid transformation progress, and a ready-to-use framework to assess progress in other states.

You may also access the report on the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) website.

Additional Contributing Author: Vazken Kassakhian, SEPA

Seeking Answers Down Under

June 1, 2017

ScottMadden recently joined the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA) in a fact-finding mission to discover ways Australian utilities and partners are deploying distributed energy resources (DERs) and how customers are responding to this market shift.

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20 Years of Net Energy Metering in California

May 31, 2017

How has net energy metering in California evolved over the last 20 years? This report chronicles the legislative history of net metering in California from its introduction in 1996 to the landmark passing of NEM 2.0 in 2016.

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An Optimistic Outlook for Energy Innovation in the Southeast

May 31, 2017

Chris Vlahoplus, partner and clean tech & sustainability practice leader at ScottMadden, captured the key themes of the INTERSECT: Energy Policy and Innovation Conference, which centered on energy in the information age and in a carbon-constrained world. One observation: the scale and pace of innovation over the past two decades has produced technological solutions more quickly than policy, regulation, and markets have been able to adapt. To review the top five findings, download the complete report or view it here.

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California and New York DER Demonstration Projects

May 23, 2017

California and New York have approached the question of distributed energy resource (DER) integration differently. The two states have seen very different levels of DER penetration, and their policy goals reflect different objectives. Though both states are using demonstration and pilot projects to test new concepts and models, their differences in current levels of DER penetration and policy goals are reflected in different approaches for demonstrations, as well. These differences are important to note because they will provide important lessons learned about the policy, technical, and business model implications of integrating DERs. To learn more, download the complete PDF.

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The Smart City Opportunity for Utilities

May 23, 2017

This new report focuses on the idea of “smart cities.” To learn more, click the download button above or read the full summary below.

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