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Energy in an Information Age

August 6, 2018

Intersect 2018 Overview


Energy is arguably the single most important issue of our modern times. Few sectors have a greater direct impact on our economy or every aspect of life — from household comforts and conveniences to transportation, manufacturing, and communications, it is omnipresent. Networked, digital systems that are connected to the traditional, physical energy infrastructure are growing exponentially. The overlap between these systems and computing, big data, and physical infrastructure is creating a need for new resources, particularly in regards to the safety and security of operational structures and personal consumer information.

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Employee Spotlight: Adithya Mathai

July 5, 2018

Adithya Mathai

Adithya Mathai is a director within ScottMadden’s corporate & shared services practice. He joined the firm in 2009 and has been an active participant and leader in the human capital management and finance and accounting communities of practice. As a recent initiative, Adithya is currently spearheading a health care community of interest, which aims to develop consultants and expand industry expertise. This group has grown in thanks to his thought leadership and years of experience! Prior to joining ScottMadden, Adithya earned a B.S. in computer telecommunication engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and an M.B.A. with honors from the University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School.

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Employee Spotlight: Titi Ellis

May 2, 2018

Titi Ellis

Titilayo “Titi” Ellis joined ScottMadden in September 2014 as a marketing strategist. This was a new position at the firm and she quickly jumped in to develop a robust marketing plan for the coming year. Since the completion of the planning process, she has been leading key marketing initiatives for the firm and interfacing with ScottMadden’s practice areas and communities of practice to guide and support these groups with their marketing strategies. Titi shared, “Working at ScottMadden has given me the opportunity to work with people who have a deep understanding and vested interest in their client’s needs. It’s great to see partners, directors, and managers alike all working toward one common goal, and that is the long-term success of their client’s businesses.”

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Employee Spotlight: David Israel Mendez

May 2, 2018

David Israel Mendez

David Israel Mendez joined ScottMadden in 2015 as an associate after completing his MBA at Goizueta Business School at Emory University. Within the firm, David is a member of the supply chain, human resources, and regulatory communities of practice. Outside of ScottMadden, David is a member of the National Society of Hispanic MBAs (NSHMBA), Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), and High Museum Young Professionals.

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The Year Ahead in Energy Storage: Storage Week 2018 at a Glance

April 11, 2018

During Infocast’s Storage Week 2018, ScottMadden director, Kevin Hernandez, and senior associate, Scott Roulston, served as panel moderators for sessions geared toward behind-the-meter and grid-connected energy storage systems. The following provides a summary of the insights shared during those discussions related to:

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Integrating Smart Utility-Scale Solar

February 12, 2018

Bright Outlook: Solar Trifecta Is Key to Integrating Smart Utility-Scale Solar

Utility-scale solar has become an important and growing part of the electric generation portfolio in the Unites States. Existing or “traditional” utility-scale solar is designed and operated to generate and deliver the maximum amount of electricity in real time. Operational challenges are becoming evident in markets with high penetrations of traditional utility-scale solar. These challenges include variable output, lack of robust ancillary services, and dispatch limitations.

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Getting More Value from Your Shared Services Organization

October 9, 2017

Making Sense Of Solar: New Methods To Assess Penetration And Oversupply Risks

September 25, 2017

In 2013, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) introduced the iconic “duck curve” chart depicting the expected effects of variable renewable resources – primarily utility-scale solar – on grid conditions. Since then, the conditions predicted have come to pass: meaningful midday overproduction and late-day ramps. Yet, when measured as a percentage of net generation or total installed capacity, the penetration of solar in the U.S. remains very small, even in California.

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Operations Risk: It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

September 14, 2017

Cross-Train Employees in a Variety of Functional Areas to Increase Employee Engagement

September 13, 2017

Welcome to “Summertime…and Improving Productivity Is Easy: Eight Ways to Increase Employee Engagement,” a ScottMadden eight-part series. Based on a recent Gallup study,[1] we know that approximately 70% of employees are not engaged at work, resulting in lower job performance and loss of time and money for the organization. Over the next eight weeks, we’ll provide insights on how employee engagement impacts your business outcomes, as well as tangible examples of how you can increase engagement among your employees. Click here to see the complete series.

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Skills Audits and Inventories to Properly Manage and Utilize Resources

September 13, 2017

Welcome to “Summertime…and Improving Productivity Is Easy: Eight Ways to Increase Employee Engagement,” a ScottMadden eight-part series. Based on a recent Gallup study,[1] we know that approximately 70% of employees are not engaged at work, resulting in lower job performance and loss of time and money for the organization. Over the next eight weeks, we’ll provide insights on how employee engagement impacts your business outcomes, as well as tangible examples of how you can increase engagement among your employees. Click here to see the complete series.

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Top-Five Practices for Changing Security Policies

September 11, 2017

As the cyber threat landscape intensifies, cybersecurity programs must evolve to protect your organization’s mission. To manage this continuous cybersecurity evolution, five key security program change management practices should be followed:

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Sussex Economic Advisors is now part of ScottMadden. We invite you to learn more about our expanded firm. Please use the Contact Us form to request additional information.